| | There are two seemingly opposite approaches to legal equality for gays that would greatly increase liberty: Either get government completely out of the business of recognizing and arbitrating about who is married (and thus has access to all the underlying legal rights and obligations) and limit government to just enforcing the voluntary private contractual agreements entered into when a private organization performs a marriage, or remove the government's discretion to turn down "marriage" / "civil union" applications for government recognition, and make them recognize any combination of people that applies for either of these.
Both approaches would remove the government's power to pick and choose which favored special interest groups get this dubious "privilege".
Adding gays to the list of people who can get this package of rights and privileges would continue to discriminate against everyone still not included, including polygamists and unmarried couples.
So, one of the hypocrisies of those opposed to Prop. 8 is that they generally talk about legal equality for all, but virtually always only advocate for one of the special interest groups not included in this package of rights and obligations and ignore everyone else.