| | Thank you for this review Luther. Personally it is very important for me to understand my mind and behavior, and perhaps control what I can to work for what I desire. When someone claims to provide answers, I am eager to listen; it strikes me that you and I are similar spirits.
Do you personally use this system? I ask because I imagine to apply so much information to practice would be painfully overwhelming and confusing. If applied consistently, every second of one's day would consist of observing one's own behavior (and breathing and posture and eye movement) as well as that of every acquaintance, then processing every bit of information to mean something else, where one then decides their next eye movements and breathing and speech. I would be tearing my hair out, let alone mirroring and pacing and creating anchors.
That being said I suppose we do this all day anyway, using learned reflex from years of experience. To be able to change the reflexes we don't want would be a true advantage indeed. Aristotle himself once said we are the sum of our habits. Could it be that humanity is as simple and malleable as this?
Honestly, I have been abused before by salesmen claiming they have answers. Self-improvement is something of climbing a mountain, I am wary of those trying to convince me that there is an elevator on the other side. I'd like to hear from others who stand by NLP and their personal experiences.