| | I don't want to get involved in arguments about definitions. Rowlands chose to review a book and present his review to the public. The book has 19 chapters (see below), but Rowlands essentially focuses only on one chapter, Chapter 9, and ignores the other chapters. He apparently comes to the book with preconceptions about regulations and health care, which makes him oppose the views of Chapter 9, but the fact is that chapter is the least important part of the book, and I should think anyone with an honest interest in Reason, rather than in merely finding rationales for Political Beliefs, would try to look at the book, which is closely argued by a scientist of long experience -- look at the book and see if there is anything to be learned from it. Instead, Rowlands does not even read the whole book, and dismisses what he has read because of his political biases. Unhappily, since Rowlands is the guru here, I take what he says seriously, and I find it sad.
Here is the Table of Contents of the book JUNK SCIENCE:
Part I: The Moons of Jupiter ---------------------------- 1. Science, Junk Science, and Dogma 2. Fraud and Fabrication in Science
Part II: Buyer Beware --------------------- 3. The Food and Diet Circus: Eat Your Way to Happiness 4. GM Foods: Frankenstein in a Corn Patch 5. Ageing and Longevity: Live Forever Now 6. Tobacco: Drug-Dealing in America
Part III: Medical Follies ------------------------- 7. Junk Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Profits 8. Quack Doctoring: It's a Free Country, Isn't It? 9. Health Care in America: Sorry, Not For Everyone 10. The Talk-Therapy Flea Market
Part IV: Poison and Bombs in the Greenhouse ------------------------------------------- 11. Pollution: Private Interest and Public Poison 12. Missiles and Terrorism: No Place to Hide 13. Global Warming: Yes, Your Beach House May Be Gone
Part V: Religion, Embryos, and Cloning -------------------------------------- 14. Creationism: The World as an Egg 15. Stem Cells: The Petri Dish Blues 16. Cloning: Will We Have A Hundred Jerry Falwells?
Part VI: Genes, Behavior, and Race ---------------------------------- 17. Genes and Behavior: You Need a Golf Gene Here 18. Race and IQ: Two Myths Make a Bumble
Part VII: On Truth and Lies --------------------------- 19. Our Failures: Is Anyone Innocent?
Here is what the NEW SCIENTIST magazine (UK) says about the book:
"Dan Agin, an emeritus biologist at the University of Chicago, is passionate in defence of science. In JUNK SCIENCE he targets those who abuse or distort it, starting with scientists who fake results. This is neither rare nor easily uncovered, he warns. Agin lambasts the Bush administration, Big Tobacco, the pharmaceutical industry, mainstream and alternative medicine, psychotherapy, the religious right and others who deny or attack inconvenient research. Anyone who values good science will appreciate finding all this together in a cogent, powerfully argued book."
A recent long review of this book appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune, October 22, 2006. The review can be accessed at:
Here is another comment about the book:
"JUNK SCIENCE is a passionate, minutely-informed and scrupulously fair analysis of all the abuses and misuses of science that are rampant today -- a clarion call to action which concerns us all. One might wish that such a book were not needed, but it is, more now than ever before." -- Oliver Sacks, M.D., author of Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat.
Is the dismissal of this book by Rowlands justified? I don't think so. The puzzle is that Rowlands posted his silly review in the first place, and a subsidiary puzzle is the presence of the click-button sending people to Amazon.com to buy the book! He tells you the book isn't worth a damn, that he did not finish it, but he invites you to buy the book so he can make his 5% commission from Amazon. What a lovely game!