
Rebirth of Reason

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Sunday, March 9, 2008 - 8:07amSanction this postReply

From the back cover:

Scientific realism is the view that our best scientific theories give approximately true descriptions of both observable and unobservable aspects of a mind-independent world. Debates between realists and their critics are at the very heart of the philosophy of science. Anjan Chakravartty traces the contemporary evolution of realism by examining the most promising recent strategies adopted by its proponents in response to the forceful challenges of antirealist sceptics, resulting in a positive proposal for scientific realism today. He examines the core principles of the realist position, and sheds light on topics including the varieties of metaphysical commitment required, and the nature of the conflict between realism and its empiricist rivals. By illuminating the connections between realist interpretations of scientific knowledge and the metaphysical foundations supporting them, his book offers a compelling vision of how realism can provide an internally consistent and coherent account of scientific knowledge.


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Sunday, March 9, 2008 - 2:21pmSanction this postReply

I agree that science is the exact knowledge of approximate truth and/or the approximate knowledge of the exact truth of things. The "trouble" occurs when folks take science to be more or less than that. There is a reason that while there is a philosophy of science, there is no "science of science" -- as Mortimer Alder says in his Dictionary of Philosophy.

It's because we're supposed to think straight before, during, and after we try to observe and investigate (the 2 modes of science). What's funny about the truth of this matter is that -- like linguistic analysts caught in self-made cobwebs -- it's all too often the very professional scientists that originate and perpetuate this pseudo-problem.


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