| | Joshua Rosner is a co-author but I left his name out, because there was no entry space for co-authors on RoR Books. Check out these chapter 9 snippets!:
James A. Johnson, chief executive of Fannie Mae during its crucial expansion in the 1990s. ... was especially adept at manipulating lawmakers, eviscerating regulators, and leaving taxpayers the bill.
Barney Frank, Democratic congressman from Massachusetts and staunch protector of Fannie Mae, almost to the end. Frank requested that Fannie hire his partner in 1991 when Congress was devising regulations for the company. Fannie also made large grants to a Boston charity cofounded by Frank's mother.
June O'Neill, head of the Congressional Budget Office, defended its 1996 study detailing Fannie Mae's rich subsidies and suggested that the government's ties to the company be re-examined. She came under fierce attack in Congress by lawmakers reading from scripts provided by Fannie Mae.
Franklin Raines, former Clinton Budget Director, chief executive of Fannie Mae, and protege of Jim Johnson, was ousted in 2005 amid a massive accounting scandal at the company.
Timothy Geithner presided over the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during the years leading up to the crisis. Its research proclaimed that no housing bubble existed ...
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