| | Hi Chris
Not wanting to hi-jack the Barbara Branden thread I decided to reply to your notion of alpha, beta and gamma rats, as prototypes for human politics.
Doesn't that take us back to Plato's Wise, Gentle, and Brutish men? Seems as if more than Gaul has been divided into three parts.
Therein lies the fault. We have three grandchildren; 7,8 and 9. Two are from one set of parents, and the third, from another. Always there is strife, and someone is often left out; as the novelty of the singleton is prized by the two siblings. Last weekend we asked that a fourth child be invited to come along, for camping out in our wild garden. The strife was rightly with me and my routines. The children had the best fun together; until it was time to attend to the chores of camping. " It's no my job." lol
All Gaul should have been divided into four parts.
Plato claimed that the coverted wise, who had no faith in others to become wise, were the wagers of perpetual war. It kept them on top. Look around the world. The Straussians in the White House and on Parliament Hill, here in Canada, are creating the strife; and ensuring that we will have perpetual war.
The Objectivist community is merely falling in, lock-step with Plato's "noble lie". It's time for the peace-loving wise, to come forward and show some leadership; shine some light.
From the Objectivist grapevine, I have heard that the originally wise, Ayn Rand who created a wonderful way for us to live in this world succumbed irrationally to her sexual passions, and corrupted herself. That's when the covert rule of the wise settled into the Objectivist movement; and the perpetual warring started. Perhaps Plato was incomplete. Is there is a fourth type; the Redeemed ?
It's forgiveness time. Unless this Objectivist war is creating profit for some, at the expense of others.
Supposedly, Objectivists are the wise who have redeemed themselves; who are slaves to no one; and who enslave no others.
Grandmother to Grandchild: Cooking your own food, and cleaning up your own messes, is not slavery.