
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Saturday, March 31, 2007 - 12:36pmSanction this postReply
John wrote:
...(whoah! the whole universe is IRrational!)
Yes, that is the point of the original posting to this thread. If naturalistic atheism is true, everything is what it is by accident; it is unintentional. If naturalistic atheism is true, all that exists is merely matter in motion and nothing else. If naturalistic atheism is true, knowledge is impossible (and so is anything rational).
One could question the existence of knowledge. There are problems with this position too. You see, any assertions about knowledge are statements of knowledge! For instance, when someone says that knowledge exists, he is saying that he knows that knowledge exists. When a person denies that knowledge exists, he is saying that he knows that knowledge does not exist. He is saying he knows something, while affirming that no one can know anything! It gets even worse. A person can assert that one cannot know if knowledge exists, but this is also a statement that asserts that the person knows that we cannot know if knowledge exists. These last two assertions about knowledge are what we call self-stultifying. This is because if the statement is true, then the statement is false. The upshot of all this is that every affirmation of atheism contains an internal contradiction. All who affirm atheism must maintain this contradiction. This makes atheism inherently illogical and therefore, irrational.

The point is that it is impossible to deny knowledge, therefore, any position that inherently denies knowledge is false. So, atheism must be false.

To complete the argument: It has been forcefully and soundly demonstrated on this forum that if Objectivism is true, then atheism is true.

Since we now know that atheism is false, we can clearly, distinctly, with deductive certainty know that Objectivism is also false.


G. Brady Lenardos

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