| | Merlin,
I assume by "ratio" you mean of one number to another, which implies at least the ability to count. By ratio I mean one thing to another (ala philosophy), not one number to another (ala math & science). When an adult compares a short vehicle like the Chevy Aveo to a long vehicle like the Chevy Suburban, the adult doesn't explicitly measure their length difference by saying that the Suburban is 1.93 Chevy Aveo's. They say it's almost twice as long. The ratio consciously used by the adult is in the virtual twice-ness, not in the decimal value (which we can reach by being more exacting than normal).
So no, ratio doesn't imply the ability to count -- but to compare. It's all in the ability to grasp difference (and therefore, similarity).
There are children who are unable to count at all and can compare two things, e.g. a pencil and a match, and say which one is "bigger", provided the difference is large enough and they aren't confused. Right, because of what I said above.
Once a child gets the idea length (to some extent) and can show some success in understanding it (X is longer than Y), they can still misuse it. For example, show a child two rectangles, e.g. 1x8 and 6x7, ask which is longer, and the child may respond the second (which is "bigger") because they do not sufficiently understand it. This is the problem with interpretation of research, like when Game Theorists interpret their research to say that man isn't a rational being (because they pre-stipulated what "rationality" would have to look like in a game, incorporating their false view of morality, etc). Logical positivists suck. They take their carefully partitioned and re-created reality to just "be" reality. That confuses many of the rest of us. It could be said that their scientific research -- while adding information to the world -- is decreasing the aggregate understanding of reality. That sucks.
An alternative explanation for the rectangle conundrum you mention -- one which doesn't toss out the hypothesis prematurely, like Game Theorists did with rationality in games -- is that the children above can "see" that the perimeter of the 6x7 rectangle is indeed longer than the perimeter of the 1x8. On this explanation, the problem is in the researcher's carefully partioned re-creation of reality in the lab, not in the children's ability to grasp the longer thing. The solution boils down to the tactics and antics of the visual illusionist. Is the picture a pretty young girl, or an old wretched person?
Experiments with children clearly show a stage during which they know how to count but not how to measure. Addressed above.
... yours more clearly makes the unwarranted leap that a child who knows how to count necessarily knows how to measure. Addressed above.
Numerous experiments, such as those performed by Jean Piaget, prove this is false. Addressed above.
Many younger children are incapable of measuring even when given hints or training on how to do it. Addressed above.
Also, your example is "cherry-picked". What if, for example, the pencil were 1.5 times the length of the match?
This criticism is inconsequential. The point is whether difference (like length difference) can be grasped accurately. The point is not in how precise these measurements of difference have got to be -- as long as they are accurate in context. I have a quote about this kind of argumentation, and have coined it as a fallacy (the Fallacy of Super-Contextual Precision, or the Heisenberg Fallacy).
You give zero evidence that a lion can count, let alone measure. You also say "the unit is the current length between the lion and the gazelle". In measurement the unit, once chosen, is invariant. If not, it's useless. There is a far simpler and more plausible explanation as to what the lion does. It moves toward its prey, period. As the prey moves, the lion adjusts its direction, always toward the prey (allowing for obstacles, of course).
If a lion couldn't measure the varying distance between it and the gazelle, then how come it sometimes gives up the chase, even when it has energy left -- upon seeing that the gazelle is "pulling away"? According to you, it just moves toward its prey -- i.e., it won't ever stop moving toward its prey until it gets tired or sees closer prey. Simpler, yes, but NOT more plausible. Regarding the unit of instantaneous distance between the lion and the gazelle, you are saying that if the distance (unit) varies, then it's useless for measuring the progress of the chase. Not only is that not more plausible, it's not even more simple -- its absurd, actually.
Like a logical positivist, you are pre-conditioning not only what is to be looked for, but what counts or doesn't count as evidence that is to be either:
(1) integrated with results in forming the research conclusion or (2) subsequently explained-away as irrelevant, unacceptable, or inconsequential
That might be good science, but it's not good philosophy.