
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, July 2, 2002 - 10:54pmSanction this postReply
There is a general election looming in NZ. Christ I'm sick of the whinging from all sides about health, education, genetic engineering etc etc. Moan moan moan moan moan - all variations on the same themes, and none of them realising that the only difference between the major political parties is the shade of red. I think I'll give up tv, radio talkback and newspapers for the next few weeks.

Post 1

Monday, July 8, 2002 - 11:36amSanction this postReply
In America, we call the three months before a major election the "silly season"; it usually consists of little but whinging from all the major political parties about the usual trivial nonissues in an effort to hide from the ignorant the fact that they want absolute power.

I can avoid the worst of the nonsense because I consider both radio and TV to be beneath me, and I get most of my news from the net through Reuters or the Associated Press, and sometimes through the Nando Times.

Unfortunately, we have to know what these bastards are doing in order to oppose them, and that means keeping an eye on the nationalist grandstanding, ad hominem attacks, emotional arguments aimed at swaying undecided voters, range-of-the-moment promises, and naked power grabs.

Sometimes the only way to clean a sewer is to wade through shit.

Post 2

Saturday, May 31, 2003 - 11:33amSanction this postReply
Since this subforum is titled "Politics", I thought it an appropriate setting to pose the question: Will Objectivists ever be heard in the American political scene? Or even Australia, New Zealand or Britain? Germany? France? Anywhere??? I have yet to hear of a political platform representing Objectivists in any election. And I don't really count Libertarianism, with its sometimes too-compromising attitude. This philosophy has been around, and quite popular, for about 30 years. Is it just going to be a long, long while before nations are ready for it, considering the leftward-leaning most countries' governments have today? If that's true, shouldn't Objectivism be the logical weapon against such governments, and therefore be brought forth as a political platform as soon as possible?

Post 3

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 9:15pmSanction this postReply
The rule of law is a worthy goal to be pratice by any pracmatic gov't. how would you discuss this issue.

Post 4

Friday, October 10, 2003 - 11:51amSanction this postReply
We get these kind of questions at Importance Of Philosophy all the time. Sounds a lot like a homework problem, doesn't it?

Post 5

Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 5:46pmSanction this postReply
Hi Rachel,

Regarding your question "The rule of law is a worthy goal to be pratice by any pracmatic gov't. how would you discuss this issue.", I refer you to the “This war on terrorism is bogus” thread and posts, where I address those issues:

Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 12:05 am Contrary to … post: The Shredding of Our Highest Laws is Immoral NO matter if it was done by The Founding Fathers themselves…

Sunday, October 12, 2003 - 12:59 pm We are supposed to be a Constitutionally Limited Republic (The Rule of Objective Law), not a Democracy (The Rule of Men). As such, our government's purpose is to stringently, intransigently, uncompromisingly, and intolerantly, ENFORCE the Bill of Rights--the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution--and defend individuals from the Rule of Men and foreign invaders…

Monday, October 13, 2003 - 06:19 pm I would like to thank No 6, David and Dennis Wilson for their incisive and informative posts…The regulations and controls in such a society are not laws on the activities of peaceful citizens but on the two classes of citizens who initiate force: common criminals and government officials…

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