| | The attack by Perigo is on me. He knows the truth but prefers his version since it goes with his feelings and hatred for me. Fifteen years ago I bought a bookstore that sold one NAMBLA publication. I never was a member, never endorsed them, etc. I did think, and still do, that the age of consent issue needs debate. I don't know where I'd set it but probably at puberty. And the reason I kept the publication was because it debated those issues. The publication was legal in all senses of the word. But the way a "big lie" campaign works is to tell the lie enough times, usually in whispers behind a person's back, until people think it must be true. It's really a vile thing to do. It is not my intention to debate the accuser who has been spreading this story, and one's far worse far and wide. It's a slander campaign for which he has zero evidence. LP believes that anyone who says anything unpleasant about him, usually true, is horrendous. But he should be free to spread any story, no matter how vile, he wants.
As a bookstore owner I sell all sorts of books. I even sold the biography of Perigo. We sell Rand, Marx, Kant, Machan, Hayek, Mises and so on. Sale of a book does not make one a promoter of the ideas in the book except in the most lose definition of the word. Bookstore owners are usually not considered to be endorsing every book they stock except in this case.