
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 12:56pmSanction this postReply
I'm guessing that the answer to my question might be found somewhere in the volumes of posts you've contributed to this site, so I apologize if this has previously been addressed. 

I'm simply wondering why you use the letter "f" in words that typically use "ph"... 

Post 1

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 1:59pmSanction this postReply
Because he's pretentious.

Actually he wrote a a long article on why the letter combination "ph" causes unecessary confusion and can be easily replaced by "f", or some such. I say phuck it. :-)

Post 2

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 3:11pmSanction this postReply
Hi Pete,

Check out Stolyarov's bit here:

I for one don't know why he stopped with changing "ph" to "f".  There's plenty more orthographical goofiness with the English language. I for one would like to see Stolyarov be more consistent and perhaps adopt Restored English Spelling, which you can check out here:


Post 3

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 3:11pmSanction this postReply
Hi Pete,

Check out Stolyarov's bit here:

I for one don't know why he stopped with changing "ph" to "f".  There's plenty more orthographical goofiness with the English language. I for one would like to see Stolyarov be more consistent and perhaps adopt Restored English Spelling, which you can check out here:


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Post 4

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 3:48pmSanction this postReply

Jordan wrote: "I for one don't know why he stopped with changing "ph" to "f".  There's plenty more orthographical goofiness with the English language. I for one would like to see Stolyarov be more consistent and perhaps adopt Restored English Spelling..."

I certainly concur with the statement  regarding orthografical goofiness. For example, the "ugh" combination just makes you want to scream, "Ugh!" :-) If I write a second installment of the Filosofy of Linguistics in the near future, it will address that glaring absurdity, and smooth out some more of the ruf edges present thruout the English language.

Were I the sole individual employing the English language, I would initiate a thurow reform effort to rebuild it from the ground up.  Nevertheless, I would like to first focus attention on one adjustment, so as to reveal the basic premise behind the filosofy of linguistic innovation, which has in fact shaped language throughout the centuries, and has probably always met a tuf crowd of warrantless traditionalists and collectivist orthografers.

When I achieve greater exposure for the present innovation, I shall move on to the next. Thus, the reform process shall be protracted over a series of steps. I suggested this in "An Objective Filosofy of Linguistics:"

The improvement of the language should be gradual, with time windows given for the proliferation and assimilation of each individual reform. The orthografic consistency of “f” sounds should be a sufficient amelioration for at least the next three months. Afterward, further faults of the language should be pointed out and remedied.

The "three months" benchmark assumes that the alteration has been in extensive public view for three months. I do not think that it has yet reached enuf exposure to be considered "in extensive public view."

As for RES, I salute its systematic approach, yet have a few quarrels with the product they had reached. I will investigate its site in greater detail in the coming days, and offer more specific commentary.

I am
G. Stolyarov I

Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator

Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store

Author, Eden against the Colossus

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