| | Adam-
Thank you for your words, and I quite agree with you concerning neotenic eroticism, which I have vaguely heard about as a fringe variant in my own industry, although I do know some forms of kink work which overlap with the concept (I'm fairly girlish myself while working right now), and the plurality of sex work is neotenic to some degree. I am not very knowledgeable on any of this, but I agree, and further think our society's obsession with child pornography is nothing short of mass hysteria; like the semi-mythical 'snuff films' that are the bugbear of the Dworkinites.
It would take me a long time to explain my views on the issues of principle involved with child pornography thoroughly, so let me just say 1) I think oppression and exploitation of children is wrong, not the sexual forms of abuse qua sex; I think the exclusive viciousness of 'pedophilia' is its entanglement with relations of power by which 'minors' are defined as near-rightless beings- eros directed to the young does not seem itself objectionable. Due to this, while sexual relations involving the young raises difficult questions about rational consent in the context of power, images cannot be exploited; as such I have no objection to child digital pornography and see it as no special test of a free society. 2) Philosophically, I am a Reichian, or rather I ascribe to an older erotic philosophy Reich defends in modern language, which I learned from Michel Foucault and Allan Bloom; as such, I believe the kinship between friendship, sexuality, love, mentorship, and parential feeling is far more a matter of degree and emphasis than kind, and I would extend this principle far past human relationships.
The full theorizing and implications of this position is something I am just not up to writing right now, but generally I find our culture's views of anything with the words 'children' and/or 'sex' so irrational that when the two come together I just want to cry. I hope to write on this some other time; for now, it is 3:00 AM and I need some sleep .
But thank you for writing this,
Jeanine Ring ))(*)((