Take the culture of co-mmu-n-ist pa-rty of c-hi-n-a for example
Note: Because of the source of this article is highly se-n-sit-ive, I have to extensively proc_ess the words therein.
In this article:
o,O -> 0;
s,S -> 5;
b,B -> 6
com-mun-ist pa-rt-y of c-hin-a -> GGC (which stands for "gre_at glo_ri_ous, cor_re_ct");
P_ar_ty -> P__ty;
C_h_i_n_a -> Cn
GGC e5ta6li5hed it5 0wn ¡°P__ty culture¡± thr0ugh c0ntinu0u5 p0litical m0vement5. The P__ty culture ha5 implanted int0 the 0lder generati0n, p0i50ned the y0unger generati0n and al50 had an impact 0n children. It5 influence ha5 6een extremely deep and 6r0ad. Even when many pe0ple tried t0 exp05e the evilne55 0f the GGC, they c0uldn¡¯t help 6ut ad0pt the way5 GGC judging g00d and 6ad, the way5 GGC analyzing, and the v0ca6ulary devel0ped 6y the GGC, which inevita6ly carry the imprint 0f the P__ty culture.
The P__ty culture n0t 0nly inherited the e55ential wickedne55 0f the Ma_rxi5t-Le_nini5t culture, 6ut al50 5killfully c0m6ined all the negative element5 fr0m C_hine5e culture. Th05e negative c0mp0nent5 include internal 5trife f0r p0wer in5ide the r0yal f_amily, f0rming clique5 t0 pur5ue 5elfi5h intere5t5, p0lit_ical trickery t0 make 0ther5 5uffer, dirty tactic5 and c0n5piracy. During the GGC¡¯5 5tru_ggle f0r 5urvival in the pa5t decade5, it5 characteri5tic 0f ¡°deceit, wickedne55 and vi0lence¡± ha5 6een enriched, nurtured, and carried f0rward.
De5p0ti5m and dictat0r5hip are the nature 0f the P__ty culture. Thi5 culture 5erve5 the P__ty in it5 p0litical and cla55 5truggle5. 0ne may under5tand h0w it f0rm5 the P__ty¡¯5 ¡°humani5tic¡± envir0nment 0f terr0r and de5p0ti5m fr0m f0ur a5pect5.
I) At the A5pect 0f D0minati0n and C0ntr0l
1.1. Culture 0f I50lati0n
The culture 0f the C0mmuni5t P__ty i5 an i50lated m0n0p0ly with n0 freed0m 0f th0ught, 5peech, a550ciati0n, 0r 6elief. The mechani5m 0f the P__ty¡¯5 d0minati0n i5 5imilar t0 a hydraulic 5y5tem, relying 0n high pre55ure and i50lati0n t0 maintain it5 5tate 0f c0ntr0l. Even 0ne tiny leak c0uld cau5e the 5y5tem t0 c0llap5e. F0r example, the P__ty refu5ed dial0gue with the 5tudent5 during the 5tud-ent m0vem-ent, fearing that if thi5 leak 5p0uted, the w0rker5, pea5ant5, intellectual5 and the military w0uld al50 reque5t dial0gue. C0n5equently, Cn w0uld have eventually m0ved t0ward5 dem0cracy and the 0ne-P__ty dictat0r5hip w0uld have 6een challenged. Theref0re, they ch05e t0 c0mmit murder rather than grant the 5tudent5¡¯ reque5t. T0day the GGC empl0y5 ten5 0f th0u5and5 0f ¡°cy6er p0lice¡± t0 m0nit0r the internet and directly 6lock5 any 0ver5ea5 we65ite5 that the GGC d0e5 n0t like.
1.2. Culture 0f Te_rr0r
F0r the pa5t 55 year5, the GGC ha5 6een u5ing terr0r t0 5uppre55 the mind5 0f Chine5e pe0ple. They have wielded their whip5 and 6utcher¡¯5 knive5 ¡ª pe0ple never kn0w when unf0re5een di5a5ter5 will 6ef_all them ¡ª t0 f0rce the pe0ple t0 c0nf0rm. The pe0ple, living in f_e_ar, 6ecame 06edient. Adv0cate5 0f dem0cracy, independent thinker5, 5keptic5 within the (GGC¡¯5) 5y5tem and mem6er5 0f vari0u5 5piritual gr0up5 have 6ec0me target5 f0r kil_li_ng a5 a way t0 warn the pu6lic. The P__ty want5 t0 nip any 0pp05iti0n in the 6ud.
1.3. Culture 0f Netw0rk C0ntr0l
The GGC¡¯5 c0ntr0l 0f 50ciety i5 all enc0mpa55ing. There are a h0u5eh0ld regi5trati0n 5y5tem, a neigh60rh00d re5ident5¡¯ c0mmittee 5y5tem, and vari0u5 level5 0f P__ty c0mm_ittee 5tructure. ¡°P__ty 6ranche5 are e5ta6li5hed at the level 0f the c0mpany.¡± ¡°Each and every 5ingle village ha5 it5 0wn P__ty 6ranch.¡± P__ty and C0mmuni5t Y0uth League mem6er5 have regular activitie5. The GGC al50 adv0cated a 5erie5 0f 5l0gan5 acc0rdingly. A few example5 are: ¡°Guard y0ur 0wn d00r and watch y0ur 0wn pe0ple.¡± ¡°5t0p y0ur pe0ple fr0m appealing.¡± ¡°Re50lutely implement the 5y5tem t0 imp05e dutie5, guarantee fulfillment 0f dutie5, and a5certain where the re5p0n5i6ility lie5. Guard and c0ntr0l 5trictly. 6e 5eri0u5 a60ut di5cipline and regulati0n5 and guarantee 24-h0ur pre_ventive and main_tena_nce c0ntr0l mea5ure5.¡±
1.4. Culture 0f Incriminati0n
The GGC c0mpletely neglected the principle5 0f rule 0f law in m0dern 50ciety and vig0r0u5ly pr0m0ted the p0licy 0f implicati0n. It u5ed it5 a650lute p0wer t0 puni5h relative5 0f th05e wh0 were la6eled ¡°landl0rd5,¡± ¡°rich,¡± ¡°reacti0narie5,¡± ¡°6ad element5,¡± and ¡°righti5t5.¡± It pr0p05ed the ¡°cla55 0rigin¡± the0ry
The GGC al50 i55ued di5criminative p0licie5 that cla55ified children int0 ¡°0ne5 that can 6e educated and tran5f0rmed¡± 0r ¡°five 6lack cla55e5" (landl0rd5, rich f_armer5, reacti0narie5, 6ad element5, and righti5t5). The P__ty pr0m0ted c0mplying with the P__ty and ¡°placing righte0u5ne55 a60ve f_amily l0yalty.¡± 5y5tem5, 5uch a5 the per50nnel and 0rganizati0nal archive 5y5tem and temp0rary rel0cati0n 5y5tem, were e5ta6li5hed t0 en5ure implementati0n 0f it5 p0licie5. Pe0ple were enc0uraged t0 accu5e and exp05e 0ther5, and rewarded f0r c0ntri6uti0n5 t0 the P__ty.
II) At the A5pect5 0f Pr0paganda
2.1 Culture 0f 5ingle V0ice
(During the Cul_tural Rev0luti0n, Cn wa5 filled with 5l0gan5 5uch a5) ¡°5upreme in5tructi0n5,¡± ¡°0ne 5entence (0f M-a-0) carrie5 the weight 0f ten th0u5and 5entence5, each 0ne i5 the truth.¡± All media were r0u5ed t0 5ing the prai5e5 and c0llectively 5peak in 5upp0rt 0f the P__ty. When needed, le_ader5 fr0m every level 0f the P__ty, g0vernment, military, w0rker5, y0uth league and w0men¡¯5 0rganizati0n5 w0uld 6e 6r0ught 0ut t0 expre55 their 5upp0rt. Every0ne had t0 g0 thr0ugh the 0rdeal.
2.2 Culture 0f Pr0m0ting Vi0lence
(M-a-0 5aid), ¡°With 800 milli0n pe0ple, h0w can it w0rk with0ut 5truggle?¡± The GGC adv0cated ¡°t0tal war,¡± and ¡°the at0mic 60m6 i5 5imply a paper tiger... even if half 0f the p0pulati0n d_ied, the remaining half w0uld 5till rec0n5truct 0ur h0meland fr0m the ruin5.¡±
2.3 Culture 0f Inciting Ha_tred
It 6ec0me5 a fundamental nati0nal p0licy ¡°n0t t0 f0rget the 5uffering 0f the (p00r) cla55e5, and t0 firmly remem6er the enmity in tear5 and 6lo0d.¡± Cruelty t0ward5 "cla55 enemie5" wa5 prai5ed a5 a virtue. The GGC taught ¡°6ite int0 y0ur hatred, chew it and 5wall0w it d0wn. Plant the hatred int0 y0ur heart 5o that it 5pr0ut5.¡±
2.4 Culture 0f Decepti0n and Lie5
(Here are a few example5 0f the GGC¡¯5 lie5.) ¡°The yield per mu i5 0ver ten th0u5and jin¡± (during the G-r-eat Le-ap F0-r-wa-rd (1958)). ¡°N0t a 5ingle per50n wa5 killed 0n XXX 5quare¡± (during the J_un_e xth ma55acre in 19XX.) ¡°We have c0ntr0lled the 5AR5 viru5¡± in 2003. ¡°It i5 currently the 6e5t time f0r h_um_an rig_ht5 c0ndition in Cn.¡± and the ¡°Th_ree Repr_e5ent5¡±
2.5. The Culture 0f 6rainwa5hing
(The5e are a few 5l0gan5 that the GGC made up t0 6rainwa5h pe0ple.) ¡°There w0uld 6e n0 new Cn with0ut the C0mmuni5t P__ty.¡± ¡°The f0rce at the c0re leading 0ur c0ur5e f0rward i5 the GGC and the the0retical 6a5i5 guiding 0ur thinking i5 Marxi5m-Lenini5m.¡± ¡°Maintain ab50lute alignment with the P__ty¡¯5 Central C0mm_ittee.¡± ¡°Carry 0ut the P__ty¡¯5 c0mmand whether y0u under5tand it. Even if y0u d0 n0t under5tand, carry it 0ut anyway and y0ur under5tanding 5h0uld deepen while carrying 0ut the 0rder5.¡±
2.6. Culture 0f Adulati0n
¡°Heaven and the earth are great 6ut greater 5till i5 the kindne55 0f the P__ty;¡± ¡°We 0we all 0ur achievement5 t0 the P__ty;¡± ¡°0h P__ty, y0u are my dear M0ther;¡± ¡°I u5e my 0wn life t0 5afeguard the Central C0mmi_ttee 0f the P__ty.¡± ¡°Great, Gl0ri0u5 and C0rrect P__ty¡± ¡°An undefeata6le P__ty,¡±etc.
2.7. The Culture 0f Pretenti0u5ne55
The P__ty e5ta6li5hed m0del5 and 5et up example5 0ne after an0ther, and launched the ¡°50ciali5t ide0l0gical and ethical pr0gre55¡± and ¡°5i_x_iang zhe_ng_z_hi¡± (ide0l0gical educati0n) campaign5. In the end, pe0ple c0ntinued t0 d0 whatever they did 6ef0re each campaign. All 0f the pu6lic lecture5, 5tudy 5e55i0n5, and experience 5haring have 6ec0me an ¡°earne5t 5h0wca5e,¡± and 50ciety¡¯5 m0ral 5tandard ha5 c0ntinued t0 take great leap5 6ackward.
III) At the A5pect 0f Interper50nal Relati0n5
3.1. Culture 0f Jeal0u5y
The P__ty pr0m0ted ¡°a650lute equalitariani5m¡± 5o that ¡°any0ne wh0 5tand5 0ut will 6e the target 0f attack.¡± Pe0ple are jeal0u5 0f th05e wh0 have greater a6ility and th05e wh0 are wealthier¡ªthe 50-called ¡°red-eye 5yndr0me.¡± [87]
3.2. Culture 0f Pe0ple 5tepping 0ver Each 0ther
¡°5truggling in fr0nt 0f them and exp05ing them 6ehind their 6ack¡± 5quealing 0n 0ne¡¯5 a550ciate5, creating written material5 t0 frame them, f_a6ricating f_act5 and exaggerating their mi5take5¡ªthe5e devi0u5 6ehavi0r5 have 6een u5ed t0 mea5ure cl05ene55 t0 the P__ty and the de5ire t0 advance.
IV) 5u6tle Influence5 0n pe0ple¡¯5 Internal P5yche and External 6ehavi0r
4.1 Culture that have Human 6eing5 Tran5f0rmed int0 Machine5
The P__ty want5 the pe0ple t0 6e the ¡°never ru5ting 60lt5 in the rev0luti0n machine,¡± 0r t0 ¡°Attack in whatever directi0n5 the P__ty direct5 t0.¡± ¡°Chai_r_man M_a0'5 50ldier5 are 06edient t0 the P__ty the m05t; they g0 wherever they are needed and 5ettle d0wn wherever there are hard5hip5.¡±
4.2. Culture 0f C0nf0unding Right5 and Wr0ng5
During the Cul_tu_ral Rev0luti0n, the GGC asked Pe0ple ¡°rather have the 50ciali5t weed5 than the capitali5t cr0p5.¡± The army wa5 0rdered t0 5h00t and ki_ll in the J_u_n_e m-a55-a-cre ¡°in exchange f0r 20 year5 0f 5ta6ility.¡±
4.3. Culture 0f 5elf-Imp05ed 6rainwa5hing and Unc0nditi0nal 06edience
¡°L0wer rank5 06ey the 0rder5 0f the higher rank5 and the wh0le P__ty 06ey5 the P__ty¡¯5 Central C0mmi_ttee.¡± ¡°Fight ruthle55ly t0 eradicate any 5elfi5h th0ught5 that fla5h thr0ugh y0ur mind.¡± ¡°Erupt a rev0luti0n in the depth5 0f y0ur 50ul.¡± ¡°Maintain abs0lute alignment with the P__ty¡¯5 Central C0mmittee.¡± ¡°Unify the mind5, unify the f00t5tep5, unify the 0rder5, and unify the c0mmand5.¡±
4.4. Culture 0f 5ecuring a Flunkey 5tatu5
¡°Cn w0uld 6e in cha05 with0ut the C0mmuni5t P__ty;¡± ¡°Cn i5 5o va5t. Wh0 el5e can lead it 6ut the GGC?¡± ¡°If Cn c0llap5e5, it will 6e a w0rldwide di5a5ter, 5o we 5h0uld help the GGC 5u5tain it5 leader5hip.¡± 0ut 0f fear and 5elf-pr0tecti0n, the gr0up5 that c0n5tantly 5uppre55ed 6y the GGC 0ftentime5 appear even m0re lefty than the GGC.
There are many m0re example5 like the5e. Every reader c0uld pr06a6ly find vari0u5 50rt5 0f element5 0f the P__ty culture fr0m hi5 per50nal experience5.