| | Luke Setzer listed some precepts from the Fifth World Atheist Conference Declaration, which I would like to comment on briefly: viz.: In the spirit of human solidarity, we call upon all governments, organizations, and institutions to join hands in our common endeavor to build a New World. This sounds, for all the world, like a world government. So they've rejected God, and now they want the state to take his place. They want to supplant faith with force, obedience to God with obedience to Government, divine commandments with social edicts. They haven't rejected authoritarian omnipotence; they've simply secularized it. The new century must try to establish greater economic equality and social justice and help the flourishing of human freedoms in accordance with democracy and Universal Human Rights.Why? Why must we establish greater economic equality and "social justice," if doing so will make people less well off, which it will? Moreover, on what basis can human freedoms flourish, if they are held hostage to a democratic majority? And how is any of this compatible with Universal Human Rights, which if they mean anything at all, mean a respect for the rights of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and property? We demand that schools be used for the transmission of civilized values and the nurturing of positive attitudes among young minds.And how is this accomplished if not by allowing parents the freedom to send their children to the schools which they believe best reflect those values? We demand that ... those who promote hatred in society be dealt with by the full force of the law ...Those who "promote hatred"! So now the standard of a rights violation is something so subjective as "the promotion of hatred"--which means a strong dislike for a person or an idea--any strong dislike, regardless of its object or its rationale. So much for freedom of speech and the First Amendment. We call upon legislators to assist in [social work] through enabling legislation. In other words, we call upon legislators to assist in parasitism. We ... appreciate the power, value, and relevance of the Atheist and Humanist life stance as a true alternative to ... oppressive social structures that have for centuries victimized humanity. The very oppressive social structures that these Atheists and Humanists are now supporting! And this is hailed as an alternative to religious oppression?! I don't think so!
- Bill (Edited by William Dwyer on 12/27, 12:52am)