
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 1:22pmSanction this postReply

I'm Hulmann Michel, chairman of the John Galt Institute and is a pleasure for me to participate in this forum.

Here in Brazil objectivism and Ayn Rand's work is practically unknown. We are the first organization to promote the ideas of the author of Atlas Shrugged.

I learn a lot in this forum and ask the permission of those who have published texts permission to reproduce them on the site www.objetivismo.com.br

Michel Hulmann

Post 1

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 3:55pmSanction this postReply
Hello, Michel! :)

I'm not sure how this would work, but which items would you like to copy and use?

There are so many items on this site, and some of them are posted only by permission of the original authors.  Forum posts belong to the forum, so you might have to ask the site owner about reproducing those. If an item is linked to another site, you'll have to hunt that source down.

It's very nice that you asked first. What a gentleman.

Post 2

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 5:09pmSanction this postReply
Welcome to the forum, Michel!


Post 3

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 5:51pmSanction this postReply
I just read and/or watched all the content posted at the Instituto John Galt website. (An embedded video of Ann Heller from the 24 hour news station Globo news appears.)

The site does not appear to be affiliated with any outside organization. Certainly not with ARI. Rand's "on one foot" speech which is posted at the ARI website as copyrighted appears in Portuguese as does Francisco's money speech, neither without attribution of the original copyright, but with an assertion of copyright of the translation.

An abridged form of John Galt's speech appears.

There is the skeleton of a forum with some seven posts in five topics.

There is a page describing various philosophic schools or positions such as hedonism and existentialism which are identified as not being Objectivist.

There is no mention of schisms or factions.

The site does identify itself as not for profit, and does ask for donations.

Overall it gives the impression of a handsome website with no objectionable content. It could easily be the work of one person. There is no history and there are no links to establish any broader opinion or context.

One of the named translators uses the pseudonym Luiz Mario Brotherhood, which name has a profile here http://mises.org/Community/user/Profile.aspx?UserID=6967

Caveat Donor.

(Edited by Ted Keer on 12/17, 7:00pm)

Post 4

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 6:48pmSanction this postReply
I think what Ted's trying to say, Michel, is that if your hope is to gain subscribers and respect in the Objectivist community, then asking permission to reproduce content is the right thing to do.

It appears some of your content is improperly cited, but that's easy to fix, right?

Personally, I don't have a problem with copy/paste content that's used for a writer's own material and discussion. For example, if you wanted to write a paper discussing an article that appears on this site, then copying/pasting part of the article, and including credit and citations in your writing would be encouraged.

If you want to use an entire article from here to there, then you should ask permission, which you have.  I just need to know what you'd like to use in order to discern if I should ask the boss, tell you "okay," or advise you in some other way.

I think what you're doing is a wonderful idea.

Post 5

Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 7:38pmSanction this postReply

Let me be more explicit:

There is nothing objectionable ideologically about the content of the site. It is largely orthodox, in so far as it consists almost entirely of Rand's own words. There are reasonable translations of excerpts of Rand's fiction and non-fiction, including the Money Speech, "Philosophy, Who Needs It?" and an abridged version of Galt's Speech.

I am not sure what Brazilian copyright law says about translations. But American law reserves the right of translation to the original copyright holder. I myself would be tempted to overlook the translations as fair use according to American law, except that (1) reference to the original copyright is not made (for instance, the "on two feet" article is lifted in toto from the ARI website, where it is copryrighted by the ARI, while (2) copyright is asserted for the Portuguese translation ("Copyright © 2009 objetivismo.com.br. Todos os direitos reservados") of the same article, yet no link to or mention of ARI is made and (3) The Instituto John Galt website solicits donations.

As is, this would be an open and shut infringement of copyright under U.S. law.

As far as I know, there is no original content, (i.e., it is all translated copyrighted material) except for the "What is not Objectivism?" page which is attributed as original to Geraldo Boz. Most would find what is written there unobjectionable. But some (including myself) hold that Objectivism is a monist philosophy. (No entry is given for dualism, which Rand rejected.) Rand also did consider her philosophy Humanist in the wider sense. And it is odd to criticize, for example, Epicureanism, without criticizing Stoicism. In cases like this Rand would definitely say that others shouldn't speak on her behalf, but only in their own names, even if what has been said is mostly accurate.

Readers who visit the main page can also listen to the interview of Ann Heller the value of which I will leave up to them to judge.

Anything that spreads knowledge of Objectivism, all other things being equal, is a good thing. The articles and excerpts chosen for translation are quite good ones. There is nothing to object to as far as content. But as I said above, the issues of copyright and solicitation and the lack of transparaent and established reputations for the principals call for caution. I hope this site is what it appears to be, a good faith attempt to spread Objectivism among speakers of Portuguese.

(Edited by Ted Keer on 12/17, 7:51pm)

Post 6

Friday, December 18, 2009 - 2:44amSanction this postReply
Dear Ted,

Brazilian law allows you to play a part of a text. I do not know exactly how much, but a fraction of its original size. But after his questioning, I was wondering if Brazilian law is really fair. I wondered if what we are doing in this part is "stealing the product of man's mind."

As I said in first message, we are asking for permission to publish the texts. We publish some translations because we are accustomed to Brazilian law, but after reading your message, I'm getting in touch to ask for rights.

In the next board meeting, I'll defend the need to not follow the Brazilian legislation, but the values objectivist.


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Post 7

Friday, December 18, 2009 - 3:15amSanction this postReply

I changed the site. I put in the Ayn Rand texts "Copyright Estate of Ayn Rand" and I asked to Ayn Rand Institute an authorization to publish the texts.

I did it right? The ARI represents the Estate of Ayn Rand?


Post 8

Friday, December 18, 2009 - 3:35amSanction this postReply
Technically, yes.  ARI may grant you permission, or they may not. If not, you'll have to remove those items, or edit them as they instruct.

I'll be gone the rest of the day, so don't be discouraged if your posts don't appear immediately, Michel.

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