I've been thinking about making a website where articles can be self published and even revisioned (completely unmoderated), and participants can mark each sentence/point as either agree or disagree (or leave undecided)... and in this way enable people to see what their own philosophy is, and when debating, strait out see what is agreed and what is disagreed by whom, and who the readers were. Where words which have non-layman meanings can be defined by the author (the author choses the definitions of words that he agrees with) and the reader can hover over them or something to see the definition. Where discussions branch from disagreed points rather than having single threads like here or other forums. Also where people can create and join Factions... and rate articles and posts, and then articles and posts can be seen to have different ratings from the perspective of each Faction. Moderation would more be done within Factions, by the Faction owner determining who is in their faction. How much interest would you all have in a website like that? Anybody have any ideas/suggestions?