MikeE: He referred me to his You Win or You Die thread. In the first post of his own thread, he describes the Jim Taggart character from Rand's romantic work of art, Atlas Shrugged and then asks the question, Something that has always fascinated (and repulsed) me is how powerful individuals tend to corrupt organizations by installing their agents (often friends or relatives) in the place of merit-based hires, arbitrarily subverting organizational rules to reinforce their power, and self-servingly appropriating organization funds rather than investing in the organization or its members. I’d go so far as to say that I've never witnessed first-hand an organization that did not fall prey to these unpalatable human tendencies. How does Objectivism relate to these themes, and what does it have to say about the powerful using organizations for their own ends? You believe that he is sincere over his apparent confusion over whether Rand's portrayal of James Taggert, et.al., in Atlas Shrugged made subtle the answer to the question of "How does Ojectivism relate to these themes," whereas I believe that as an apparently educated man, he is purposefully dense, because no sincere perusal of her works could possibly come away with any such confusion. The woman wrote with a giant crayon in words a mile high. It is laughable to claim that was a suble theme in a 1000+ page book describing almost nothing else but how Objectivism relates to those themes. Is Objectivism, or Libertarianism, a code of conduct that can be exploited by those who aren’t constrained by its tenets? Isn't that exactly what he just attempted with his thesis, by driveby spraypainting the villians of AS as Rand's heros? Only in the sense that it is possible to put sentences into a blender, turn it on "High", pull the letters out, and reconstruct sentences, thoughts, and agendas using those letters that have no relationship at all to the original ideas. There are only two possibilities for a blunder so glaring: either incompetence or malevolence. I don't see the possibility of any sincere confusion over such hardly subtle facts. The first post was enough, but the 'nobody is looking so the $20 is mine' definition of self-interest sealed the deal for me. God bless the 1st Amendment, it illuminates in two directions. That is its purpose, that is its role. To freely provide us all with the information necessary to form our free associations. regards, Fred ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fred, I don't see a reference to James Taggert in the first post of "You Win or You Die". I am frankly baffled by these exchanges with Robert. I don't see him as being dishonest or trying to be deceptive, simply trying to introduce topics he is interested in talking about. I gather he observes first hand, because of the nature of his job, the kind of behavior he illustrates. I don't want to speculate further. I'm going to simplify my life by ceasing to participate.