================================ Some Notes on a Trump Presidency ================================ Since Trump will have a Republican House and Senate, his first 100 days should generate an awesome explosion of economic energy. There is the repatriation of Trillions from abroad, the cutting of the Corporate tax rates in half, a massive reduction in regulations, and the repeal of ObamaCare. (But, sometimes when Trump is being Trump he snatches defeat out of the jaws of victory and there an almost unimaginable number of ways that he screw it all up.) ---------------- If Trump ends up putting solid, competent strict originalists on the Court, he will have given liberty a chance to win out - a chance in the form a generation under a Supreme Court that will protect against the worst of government abuses - and just in time... when liberty was within months of being guaranteed extinction by the appointment of just one more progressive to the court. (The battle for liberty will still be one of education and change in the universities... and good luck on that) The Supreme Court nomination might be the first thing Trump will do (apart from tearing up some of Obama's Executive Orders), and it will be the most tightly focused upon for his willing to stand by his promises. Seven out of ten Trump voters had this as their top reason for voting. ---------------- People have said that Trump knows a lot about economics - he doesn't. In fact, being supersharp in business or finance is no guarantee of ANY knowledge of economics (look at how liberal Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are). To manage a business empire that is as large as Trump's is takes a very talented administrator. The good news is that being an adminstrator a key element of being president. It is about the people you have around you - getting the best - and delegating (something Reagan did well) - and setting the direction and driving the agenda (that's much of the leadership component). Trump may have to fight his strange personality quirks, but he should have the capacity to do that... after all, something got him to his billionare status. The bad news is that without a sound set of political principles - which he does not have - he can't become a great president and is always at risk of running off in the wrong direction. ------------------- Trump's biggest enemy in pursuing his presidential goals may not be the Dems in office, or the establishment GOP, or even the media... it may be Obama. What will Obama do with his very high approval rating in this political environment where the progressives hate Trump and where Obama's legacy will be totally dismantled? Will Obama become the driving force behind a leftist revolution? He will probably be very graceful in the transition, because he is too politically savy not to, but after that? -------------------- If you watched any of the News coverage just after the election results were known and saw the way many of the progressives spoke, you saw the deep anger and bitterness that they are going to carry into our immediate future. You could see on their faces and hear in the tone of their voices a bottled up rage. It is not going to all sweetness and light. On MSNBC the morning after the election a Yale professor was explaining that America had elected a racist and that it is the white population, rich and poor, male and female, reacting to the 'browning' of America. Van Jones, a self-avowed communist who was once czar on the Obama team, said that Trump's victory was "White-Lash" - a racist reaction by white voters against having a black president. Enemies formed by, or spotlighted by a campaign don't go away after the election. They dig in and prepare to carry on the battle. But instead of having that goal of winning the election, the goal becomes the destruction of the winner.