
Rebirth of Reason

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Friday, October 17, 2008 - 11:41amSanction this postReply
I have mixed feelings about this.

With our bipartisan hegemony, watching things like this can make me feel like a lamb watching two wolves acting lighted-spiritedly together ... until they get hungry.

It reminds me of the time Bush let that impersonator make fun of him -- in a side-by-side podium.

It reminds me of how Kings had jesters who may have served as a distraction. There may have even been folks who laughed all the way to the lion pit, or guillotine.

I'm not comfortable with public servants even having a sense of humor about what they are doing.

Nevertheless, I laughed.


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Post 1

Friday, October 17, 2008 - 11:07pmSanction this postReply
They were both funny. McCain's timing and deliver were great. I'm with Ed in feeling a little queasy watching how friendly they are - it points up too clearly that it is really us versus them, not them versus them.

Obama made a small mistake - he told a series of economy jokes and you could hear the laughter become a little nervous, a little forced and not as robust. When the camera showed McCain's face at this time, his smile started dropping away. Obama has gotten into this "Bad Economy = Good for Me" a little too much - he has forgotten that the rest of us see it destruction of capital, loss of wealth, hard times, and trouble ahead.

Post 2

Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 8:34amSanction this postReply

Obama has gotten into this "Bad Economy = Good for Me" a little too much - he has forgotten that the rest of us see it destruction of capital, loss of wealth, hard times, and trouble ahead.
I think you give him too much credit. Perhaps you'd word it differently, if pressed, at a coffee table -- but he has most-probably not forgotten anything, most-probably knows exactly what he's doing, and most-probably even knows what we think about it, too.

Maybe you had "forgotten" that he didn't write his speech (that professionals did)?



Post 3

Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 9:04amSanction this postReply
============SPOILER ALERT=============

In my mind, I tried to come up with humor that would be deeply offensive to freedom-lovers. I did this in order to show that while no topic may be off-limits for a neutral party or professional comedian -- that there are some things that politicians shouldn't ever joke and laugh about (because that would be too "Toohey" -- if you know what I mean by that). Imagine this:

Obama shows up at the Halloween Party wearing a Karl Marx costume with a thick beard. After a couple of drinks, Obama (Marx) gets up onto the coffee table and lifts his arms up into the air to call attention to himself. He lifts a leg to the side as if in a musical and proclaims: "From each according to his ability!" while looking around for reactions. He leans the other way and kicks out the other leg and proclaims: "To each according to his need!"

The whole room of millionaire career-politicians is filled with thick laughter, but one hilarious bellow stands out from the back of the room: it is John McCain ... in a Benedict Arnold costume.

That should be sufficiently revolting enough to make my point. Here's actually some of what Obama said in his speech:

Given all that's happened these past few weeks on Wall Street it feels like an odd time to be dressed up in white tie, but I must say I got a great deal, I rented the whole outfit from the treasury department at a very good price.

Looking around tonight at all the gourmet food and champagne it's clear that no expenses were spared. It's like a executive sale meeting at AIG. ...

And while the collapse of the housing market's been tough on every single home-owner, I think we all need to recognize that this crisis has been eight times harder on John McCain.
Is laughter appropriate? Is it appropriate for them?


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Post 4

Saturday, October 18, 2008 - 12:30pmSanction this postReply
Ed, my point was just that he (and his advisors and writers) know that a bad economy is the energy behind his current popularity. So he (and they) decided to keep the economy in the forefront of the comedy routine for the purpose of keeping their favorite issue up front in viewer's minds. My comment was that they miscalculated, not seriously or in a way that will hurt them, but an interesting miscalculation none the less. I could tell they went a little too far not just by what my gut told me, and what my mind told me, but also by the way the audience reacted. Obama is an intelligent man, not a mindless puppet, he is, I'm sure, in there with his advisors and writers, suggesting, guiding, approving what the direction of campaign is and what goes into his speeches. My point was that his cynical joy over the good fortune of his campaign that arises out of the bad fortune of the economy doesn't lend itself to humor as well as he, his advisors and his writers thought - probably because they are a step too far removed from the real world.

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