| | Ed, my point was just that he (and his advisors and writers) know that a bad economy is the energy behind his current popularity. So he (and they) decided to keep the economy in the forefront of the comedy routine for the purpose of keeping their favorite issue up front in viewer's minds. My comment was that they miscalculated, not seriously or in a way that will hurt them, but an interesting miscalculation none the less. I could tell they went a little too far not just by what my gut told me, and what my mind told me, but also by the way the audience reacted. Obama is an intelligent man, not a mindless puppet, he is, I'm sure, in there with his advisors and writers, suggesting, guiding, approving what the direction of campaign is and what goes into his speeches. My point was that his cynical joy over the good fortune of his campaign that arises out of the bad fortune of the economy doesn't lend itself to humor as well as he, his advisors and his writers thought - probably because they are a step too far removed from the real world.