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This joke reminds me of a family I saw coming into a restaurant as I was leaving it. They were an obvious Fundamentalist Christian family. The mom was wearing long, untrimmed "crowning glory" hair, a long drab skirt, an old out of fashioned blouse, and flat shoes. Pretty ugly stuff.
The dad's suit looked a little small, and Junior, who appeared to be over six years old, was carrying a stuffed animal. I remember thinking and chuckling to myself, "wow, I hope they don't kick him out when they find out he's gay."
They were all wearing a serene smile. Like a "I have a direct line to the Lord," kind of smile. It was odd.
Anyway, I saw the car they got out of, and had to pass it to get to my own. As I approached their car, I could see that the back bumper was plastered with religious stickers. One said "SINNERS GO TO HELL!" Another said "ACCEPT JESUS NOW!" "JESUS SAVES!" and a whole bunch of other in-your-face bumper sticker messaging.
I laughed out loud thinking how these people were using bumper stickers to project their real personalities to the rest of the world. They wouldn't dream of judging someone honestly, bravely, or face to face. They let the bumper stickers do it for them, instead.