| | The problem is, I don't think "studying Lanza" or his "methods" is going to make any difference to someone who just doesn't get it anyway. I hesitate to invoke Plato, but this is the closest thing I've seen to, "To him who understands, no explanation is necessary; to him who doesn't understand, no explanation is possible." We are here in the realm of music, after all, where there is much we *don't* understand. Alagna, for instance, says he's influenced by Lanza. BS!! Ditto Cura. They *all* say it, but show no sign of it, preferring the antiseptic, innocuous musical version of political correctness in their performances. In fact, the only one of them who seems genuinely to "get" Lanza is his greatest cheerleader among them, Carreras, who unfortunately lost much of his actual vocal prowess early on in what looked like being a sensational career.
Same thing with listening as well as peforming. You either get Mario or you don't.
Rather like what Satchmo said about rhythm. You've either got it or you haven't!
Rather reminiscent of belly-laughers vs anal-retentives, really. :-)