| | Her Royal Whoreness wrote:
So, the moment I became aware of the possibilities of hyperlinks as cyber-"footnotes," it opened up a whole new electronic world.
And here are the rest of you, encouraging him!!
See, I've got this footnote/hyperlink pathology/egregious philosophical error sussed. It's called empiricism. It's the notion that wisdom lies in endless detail, that all details are equal & all of them must be presented all at once. If the sufferer from this morbidity *fails* to present all details in one go, he becomes demented & has to be carried away by men in white coats.
If you think I'm making this up, ask Diabolical to tell you the story of a certain radio interview. Hahaha!
Observe, by contrast to compulsive foot-noting/hyperlinking, the esthetic beauty of Diabolical's post above. Elegant, economical, clean & uncluttered - in the naked sparkle of its presentation it debunks its own content.
See, a good piece of writing is like a good meal: it should not only betasty, it should looktasty. It shouldn't tax the crow.
There's a great deal to be said for "references/links available on request."
Ah. The cross an editor has to carry. Especially a perfect one. :-)
On the other hand, empiricism is a might handy quality in an assistant editor.
Whoreness is actually a Lanza among writers—so don't you lot encourage him to clutter the score with grace-notes!! He's very impressionable, you know!! :-)