
Rebirth of Reason

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Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 9:44amSanction this postReply
I saw this film the other night and there were a lot of interesting things going on in there.

On the surface, it is a battle between selfless altruism, tolerance and democracy (The Jedi's) and selfishness, greed, lust for power and dictatorship (the dark side). The argument being for dictatorship that it will bring stability, whereas democracy wont.

The conclusion would seem that objectivists would be firmly on the dark side - without the dictatorship. Although objectivists are often seen as critical of democracy too.

However, there is another element to it.
Anakin falls for the dark side. However, he only does this to achieve a noble end. To save someone else's life very dear to him. However he must sacrifice his honesty and integrity in order to do it. He must lie and cheat and murder innocents. This is not only a major sacrifice of values, but it also twists his mind and makes his heart grow cold. He ends up in this way killing off the thing that he initially got value from.

Objectivists could learn from this - in the spirit of "to thine own self be true" - because once you betray your own values by lying and cheating the ones you love - you also have started an inner perversion of your own values which one day will catch up with you.

Not only that but begin to lose sight of what the objective truth is. You delude yourself for a short-term gain. Ultimately you betray A=A.

Post 1

Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 11:19amSanction this postReply
Nice find, Kat!

Even though the two moralities depicted in the film are really just the two sides of the coin of altruism, I found it interesting that Lucas would incorporate moral compromise into the work.  I'm thinking of the scene where it is revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious-- he tries to convince Anakin that in order to truly be successful in your aims, you have to know and use both good and evil.  Anakin accepts this, and ends up turning evil.

Post 2

Sunday, May 22, 2005 - 2:52pmSanction this postReply
Heads-up that our own Joe Maurone has written a review of the movie that will be posted in the coming week.  Stay tuned!


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