| | If people want to use the money they receive from the voucher system to go toward religious education, I'm all for letting them do so with their own money. Its separation of the church and state in the sense that people are free to expose themselves and practice religion to the degree that they want to, not the degree that the state forces them to.
Giving people money so that they can use it in any way they choose is much better than giving people money that can only be used in government transactions.
Religious education is simply a belief system, a way of life, a knowledge base. It pretty much always involves faith.
The state school systems are simply a belief system, a way of life, a knowledge base. It does not necessarily include faith.
Both school systems can separate learning from practical, reality from information, rationalism from science/objectivism.
Only in a system where individuals are free to choose what they learn and who they learn from, will they be able to maximize their ability to learn practical information. Vouchers is a great step. The next step after vouchers would be moving educational funding from coerced means to voluntary.
The change could be gradual. Different parts of the state could experiment with moving toward a more Capitalist system, and they could very easily see the results by comparing it to their socialist/communist systems.
They don't have to instantly change the funding from fully toward schools to fully toward students. My proposal:
Over a 20 year period, each year reduce a public school's funding by 5%, and put this money toward each student in the district to individually choose which school they want to attend. If more parents and children flood to the district, don't increase funding. Simply keep the total funding towards the students at the year's % that the public school's funding has been reduced. People will flood to the area. It will not be necessary to ever increase the funding going toward the individuals past the original public school's budget.
Damn, it is so hard to define what a "school" is, or determine whether a child is spending money toward "education". Taxation is criminal.