As probably the only Objectivist living in Europe, I dare to enter my opinion to the ongoing discussion on the coming elections in the United States.
The soul searching of Objectivists whenever Election Day nears in the United States has always mystified me and been a source of wonder for, apparently, there is no other possibility available than voting Blank, Democrat, Libertarian or Republican (I mention these in alphabetical order, to avoid anyone to think that I have some personal preferences).
In my view, the solution should be much simpler and, yet, it seems that no Objectivist ever thought of it.
The search string “Ayn Rand” and “Objectivism” renders some 500.000 Websites by Google, a number that increases to 28.300.000 results for the word “Capitalism” only and goes back to about 2.700.000 for “Libertarianism”. The almost total quantity of the 500.000 Websites just mentioned are located in the United States (there are very few, if any, in Europe, Asia, etc.) and though for sure many of them are repetitions or even correspond to Webpages that only transpire poison towards Objectivism, I understand that there are still sufficient pro-Objectivism ones to sum up a very impressive quantity.
I can’t think that there is not one wealthy Objectivist ready to put up some money (and perhaps there are even less wealthy American Objectivists ready to add their own lot) to create the “American Objectivist Party”. Is there no sufficient confidence available? Is it feared that there will not be enough supporters? A poll raised “Atlas Shrugged” to the second position as most important book some years ago (OK, the Bible was first, but then it has had 2000 years of violence and pressuring to reach the top position), which, at least to me, means that there are more enthusiastic adherents to Objectivism than reach the eye (many might just not dedicate themselves to actively participate in Website chats, etc.) Even some Libertarians and, who knows, Democrats and Republicans may even toss in their vote for Objectivism on Election Day. Matter of fact, I think that the result could well be a surprise to many… and even send some representatives to Congress. This would be the start of more important things to follow.
I think that the idea of creating an “American Objectivist Party” should be considered with greater attention than what it has received up to now.
Don’t you also think so? But, of course, this is just a rambling thought from a European Objectivist…