| | Jim
John -- You seem to be working off a false premise. There is no way, at all, to prevent Saudi Arabia from pumping and selling oil. If Americans don't buy it, someone else, in particular the Chinese, will step in and scoop it up.
You seem to imply a premise I absolutely never made, that anyone could prevent Saudi Arabia from selling oil. I made the assertion that if Saudi Arabia was funding terrorists who killed Americans by selling oil to America, then it is not immoral to place an embargo on a nation that is clearly an enemy and a threat to national security. Just as one wouldn't suggest America let American companies do business with Japan by selling them arms right in the middle of WW2. Sure you can argue it wouldn't be effective to the Saudi royal family's pockets because they could turn around and sell it to China, (just as WW2 Japan received arms from Germany, I see no difference) but you seem to think there is no moral distinction here between China buying oil from Saudi Arabia and the U.S. buying oil from Saudi Arabia?
We are not at war with Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi government is an official ally.
The House of Saud does not seek our destruction.
By funding Wahabi cultists who teach hatred for westerners especially hatred for Americans who are routinely referred to as the devil and the infidel? If they don't seek our destruction they have a funny way of showing it.
If we were to cut off trade with any country with a fairly hostile government, there'd be hardly anyone left to trade with.
What does this mean "fairly hostile" government? Obviously there is a degree to how hostile a nation is, I wouldn't propose an embargo on every nation if they show even the slightest hint of hostility. But the philosophical premise I propose is not wrong, it is not immoral to prevent others from trading with an enemy that is seeking your destruction. These would hardly constitute "voluntary exchanges", I see someone funding a known enemy by trading with them nothing more than a co-conspirator to my destruction. You can disagree with me on the particulars but the fact remains the Saudi government is corrupt, it funds would-be terrorists who seek our destruction, the same kind of extremists who killed 3,000 Americans, you can argue until you are blue in the face this country is a friend to America but your empirical analysis they should continue to be an ally and that they do not seek our destruction is not there.
Are you suggesting that we quit trading with China, Russia, Venezuela, most of Africa, much of South and Central America, most of the Middle East, etc.?
Each of those countries would have to be taken into consideration and the benefits and costs would have to be weighed first before taking such an action.
The policy you appear to be proposing -- letting the federal government ban U.S. companies from buying crude from Saudi Arabia -- will not accomplish the purpose you apparently think it will. Multinational oil companies can't be stopped from having a foreign subsidiary pump the oil, and then have it wind up on world markets where anyone can buy it.
You are not listening to me Jim. I am proposing efforts be made to move our energy consumption away from oil, so that less oil is consumed, thereby hurting shitty dictatorial regimes that control oil like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc. If less oil is consumed (hello, we are the largest oil consumers on this planet) then these dictators get less money to fund terrorists.
Would this be the only thing needed to get rid of these states who sponsor terrorism? No but it can mitigate their ability to hurt us.
Giving federal politicians the power to void these voluntary exchanges will not stop all the exchanges from occurring.
When did you stop beating your wife?
You've said this several times now Jim, is this worth my time since you continually put in premises I never made?