| | Rich vs. Poor.
In the left's calculus, poor is always virtuous in that battle, even when acting like the local KKK ("Too many Jews buying land in the 'hood.") Poor trumps KKK. In fact, poor trumps everything.
The left have found themselves an industry and marketplace that is always booming and can never disappear: there is forever a bottom half to endlessly pander to. Bidness is always good, the left's message always has a fertile landing pad.
Not that they ever fully deliver on their way to power.
They also claim some kind of symmetry to the right's also hopeless pandering message of promises to the upper half not to be eaten.
Not that they ever fully deliver on their way to power.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
An entire nation, once free, forever divided against itself for the benefit of a handful of pandering power seekers.