I think that Peter, Fred and Sam are all on the right track. I'm with Peter in hoping the article is true - that religion is faltering in the face of the increased velocity of communication that the internet provides. But I think it is more about ideas following a logical or psychologically compelling progression that is the primary cause, and the technology in use can only speed that up. Fred reminds us that it is only the old-time religion that is going away, and the secular humanists are happy to see it go so as to make room for the new religion, their collectivist, psuedo-science worship of centralized control (dressed up as various legislative transition modes, like climate control, health care, etc.) The real enemy isn't the church - they are too ridgid to last that long in a highly technical society - God's mysterious areas of control shrink as fast as science reveals the real causes. The enemy is altruism and collectivism. Old time religion was once a comfortable home for them, but now they need a new home. And I'm with Sam. This kind of research isn't worth much. Bad science, which so much of the so-called research is made of, is just the new scripture of the new religion.