my sincerest commiseration for the holidays - there's a reason I renamed those dates in my calender to 'Dreary X-Mas and a Crappy New Year' - if you say it fast enough nobody notices what you just wished them :D however there's a little bit of fight left in me: I won't give them a cent more taxes than I absolutely have to without going to jail - and I'm already skating on very thin ice ;) as for the ice on the sidewalk: my new one is about half a mile through the meadows - anyone incapable of using snow-shoes in nine foot drifts or walking on ice without falling on their posterieur needn't bother to visit me - I'm not going to shovel or scrape even the two feet around my front door just so the tax-collectors and city-regulators can spoil my holidays right in my front-yard :P Have Fun :) Vera who is only cooking books not geese for the holidays :P