I find a couple of things worth digging into on that Atlas Society article on Trump. Immigration: There is a legitimate argument about a closed versus an open border. A person, like me, can be infavor of stopping illegal immigration and reforming the immigration system, and not be a racist or nativist. I'm totally opposed to Trump, but wanted to point out that even though some of the people supporting Trump may be racist or nativist, there are many who are not. Also, I'd point out that Trump might not even stand by his claim that he will build a wall and round up all illegals - those might be total lies. Tarrifs: This is purely a play on people too stupid to realize that a trade war will destroy their economy. It is just another area where he is saying what will get a base riled up. Tradition and Faith: Trump is one of the least traditional in his values and has simply told the voters that he is a religious person. A great many evangelicals split off for him, but I think it has NOTHING to do with religion (since he isn't religious) and everything to do with those people who are comfortable with making non-rational decisions. His supporters simply take him on faith - which is what they do with other parts of their lives, They stand by him, faithfully, even on when he is caught flip-flopping from one day to another. ------------- Gun sales have never been higher. Why? Obama. Everytime he talks about gun control, people stream into the gun stores. In a similar fashion, we can say that angry, outsider candidates are the most popular. Why? The Republican establishment has never been as hated. The Tea Party, a grass-roots uprising, sent people to Washington - taking the House and then the Senate. The elected candidates promised that they would do whatever it took to reduce government spending, reduce regulations, and repeal ObamaCare. They did nothing, apart from lying, and Trump is pretending that he doesn't lie. The problem is not the anger at Washington - that's a good thing - it is that a segment of the population acts on emotion without an understanding of the minimal level of political or economic principles needed to be effective. ------------- A President Trump would be a disaster. His instincts are dictatorial: he views the job as being CEO of the country, but a CEO is like an emperor, not a constitutional executive in a system of separated powers. A President Trump could significantly increase state control over us, expanding the powers of the Presidency and corrupting the rule of law, all for the sake of goals that will make most of us suffer greater poverty and insecurity. That is a recipe for destroying the American spirit, not making the country truly great.
Couldn't agree more. --------------