
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Monday, June 21, 2004 - 2:08pmSanction this postReply
Rodney writes:
>No, I am saying that the idea of testing as a standard of all truth is inappropriate. Testing is only one method of reason, though a good method in the physical sciences.

Rodney, there are two types of tests Popper recommends: logical (arguments) and physical (experiments).It's not just about physical tests.

If a theory cannot be shown to be false with either or both tests - eg the existence of god - the theory is *not scientific*.

- Daniel

Post 21

Monday, June 21, 2004 - 5:22pmSanction this postReply
I appreciate that that is your belief, Daniel. I am saying that it isn't ours, and trying to help Jordan and others understand the "communication breakdown" he mentions in Post 4 by pointing up this mismatch.

He asked for a test for falsifying the pro-life nature of any act. But Objectivism does not accept the notion of finding falsifiability criteria as the route to understanding. Rather, we say, observe the world and using logic figure out what values are and which ones to go after. The process is not testing for illogic or failure to predict, but using logic in forming one's philosophy on the basis of observing reality.

In other words, knowledge is built not by testing and falsifying, but by observing and thinking. This is Objectivism's view, but Jordan had framed his query in different terms, those of Critical Rationalism, which we do not accept. All I am saying is that this might account for his feeling that his question was being bypassed. I thought if I pointed this out, the discussion of his question might focus more on both sides.

It was really not my intent to participate in the thread. I'm too busy.

(Edited by Rodney Rawlings on 6/21, 5:39pm)

Post 22

Thursday, June 24, 2004 - 2:47pmSanction this postReply
See what I mean, Jordan? Actually, that last sentence is such a fantastic piece of utter blather, I'll repeat it so we can enjoy it all over again...

>But for any organism, to be means to be the kind of organism an organism is--not just the perpetuation of protoplasm.

What's wrong with Regi's statement? Life as a human is certainly different, (with different requirements), than life as a cow, or duck, or fish, etc. Survival doesn't mean anything if you're not surviving AS the organism that is you.


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