Dear RoR-Users,
In “The Romantic Manifesto” Rand writes on page 32:
è …This leads many people to regard a sense of life as the province of some sort of special
è intuition, as a matter perceivable only by some special, non-rational insight. The exact
è opposite is true: a sense of life is not an irreducible primary, but a very complex sum; it
è can be felt, but it cannot be understood, by an automatic reaction; to be understood, it has
è to be analyzed, identified and verified conceptually.
I am currently reading a book on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which deals with intuition. I am not able to differentiate between what Rand calls the “sense of life” and intuition, though. In Rand’s terms the “sense of life” is: “… the pre-conceptual equivalent of a man’s metaphysics, an emotional, subconsciously integrated appraisal of man and of existence. “ ”It is the integrated sum of man’s basic values”
Rand states that by the time man reaches adolescence he usually becomes aware of the necessity to translate his “sense of life” into conscious terms. I always thought one becomes aware of the necessity to translate one’s intuitional view of the world into conscious terms. I personally recognized that I got to use my mind to not make the same mistakes I made before by following my gut feeling. I agree with the whole transition process because I have experienced it myself. But isn’t that the transition from intuition to reason and a conceptual philosophy?
What I read about intuition says it is like an emotional accountant that keeps record
of every win or loss I experience. That sound so much like what Rand called “sense of life” and its subconscious emotional integration that I really don’t know how to grasp the difference if there is one.
What is the difference or the relation between the both?
Thank you all for participating!
(Edited by tok namchu on 7/16, 3:43am)