
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Sunday, June 2, 2002 - 3:03pmSanction this postReply
I would like to thank a member of the SOLO community for suggesting this poll.

If anyone has an idea for a poll question, please submit it. If anyone comes across an interesting article on the internet or an Objectivism we page that is not already in our directory, please send a link. That is, or course, if you have time left over from writing all those articles for Solo HQ.

Post 1

Monday, June 3, 2002 - 12:24amSanction this postReply
"That would not be rational?"

I'll let you know after the next Amok Time.

Post 2

Monday, June 3, 2002 - 1:25amSanction this postReply
Absolutely increasing! Empowerment of self makes me... uh dare I say it?... horny ;o)

Post 3

Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 3:50pmSanction this postReply
Judging by the frequency with which sexual innuendo occurs on the SOLO group, or the topic turns to sex outright, I would have to say "yes".

However, I have not found this to be the case in any other O-ist group I have been part of, in fact they have been a bit prudish. I am wondering if the anonymity of the web forum has anything to do with it.

Personally, I think that self-actualization has a lot to do with libido... And it is critical to me that my partner is a person who is mentally strong/developed. So I think that is tied fairly closely to Objectivism for me, but I don't know if it would necessarily have to be for the other person, although in my mind I certainly think it is the best way to get there.

Post 4

Tuesday, June 4, 2002 - 4:18pmSanction this postReply
Ditto Ash


Post 5

Thursday, June 6, 2002 - 12:52pmSanction this postReply
Aha! A poll about my favorite subject -- SEX!

Perhaps it was coincidental that I found great sex and Objectivism at roughly the same time, but maybe not, eh? :)

I agree with Ash -- knowing who you are and why, gives one great sexual power and confidence!

When I was young and naive, I was a perfect size 6, large busted, curvy and pretty darned good looking. However, I had zero self-confidence and did not believe myself to be attractive to anyone else. I constantly angsted if my body image did not fit that of cover girls in magazines. I doubted anyone's attraction for me often with very destructive practices. I was a mess!!!

Years later, a few extra pounds from having kids, still busty I find myself feeling more attractive than I have ever before. Maybe I don't care how others perceive my physical body to be, maybe I now have a more honest assessment of myself internally and externally, but the truth is, I'm confident about who I am and this translates to my sometimes overzealous attitude towards sex.

Then again, I could just be making up for lost time. My Ex was a lousy, and quite boring sexual partner. *grin* These days .. well, that's another story perhaps more suited for an adult forum with disclaimers and all.

Speaking of which, the next poll should ask about favorite positions or activities. *grin*

Or favorite food ingredients ...

Have you ever used icecream, whipped cream, or chocolate syrup during sex?

1. Ewwwwww! That simply isn't rational.
2. I've thought about it, but it would make a mess.
3. I tried it once, but my partner was on a diet and so we didn't do it again.
4. Sure, about once a month, more often in the summer.
5. Of course! Is there really any other way?

Joy :))

Post 6

Thursday, June 6, 2002 - 2:16pmSanction this postReply
JOY I congratulate your life-affirming sexorama. I believe all of these go together and there is certainly nothing wrong with being overzealous about those wonderful things you describe. I think you should perhaps take on the name "the Joy of Sex":) As for garnish, I happen to prefer strawberry, but then who can account for taste. Mr. Chapple would probably say we are all God-awful stark raving mad. If this be madness, please don't make it stop.:)

Post 7

Thursday, June 6, 2002 - 2:19pmSanction this postReply
Oh yes, I forgot that Mr. Chapple will only allow us gays a side of "fresh meat". But might I not have a sherbet as well?:)

Post 8

Monday, June 10, 2002 - 7:18pmSanction this postReply
I've always liked the idea of using food, just add some beautiful music and then there is no reason to come out of the bedroom (at least for several hours). I prefer to use fruit as it tends not to be as messy. *sigh* It's been a while since I've ate fruit with a girl...


Post 9

Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 7:18amSanction this postReply
I have two words to add to this discussion: chocolate frosting.

Post 10

Sunday, December 15, 2002 - 10:05amSanction this postReply
If we're equating objectivism with independent morality, I dare say that equals natural inclinations when it comes down to sex. In this sense women stand to profit immensely, usually much more than men.

The prudish culture (which obviously has nothing to do with objectivism) wherein we now reside, has put sex down, but the male usually 'suffers' through this and mostly acknowledges its unnatural and confining character. Women, on the other hand, because their 'horny' periods are linked to their 4 week cycle (contrary to men with their 20 minute cycle) are more apt to actually fall for the cultural hype of monogamy etc. This results in a lack of rebelliousness towards confined sexuality, which is the seed of sexual apathy.

Men usually remain rebellious when it comes to the cultures sexual restrictions and are always working on ways to get around it. When they are "let loose" (succeed romantically/sexually) they feel justified that their nature has been given its rightful due. Women have more often bought into the cultural programming and have lost this intellectual drive, contrary to their humanity/natural sexual drive.

So I think objectivism and libido is more an issue for females in our culture.

By the way, I think our culture sucks, was that obvious?

Post 11

Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 11:44amSanction this postReply
Hi.. im an 18 year old male, ive never had sex, ive never even kissed a girl or a man for that matter, i became an objectivist around 16/17 years old, but im still learning about it.. im not exactly 100% philosophically planted cause i dont even understand the whole entire philosophy yet... but im getting older and my testosterone levels are through the roof.. i jerk off..well lets say a lot.. i want some real action!! this is really frusturating.. i dont know if it is morally right to have sex with someone just to get off or do you have to be in love. when i say love i mean deeply in love.. talking about marriage and such. All i know is there are a million girls after me.. some of them so hot looking i want to cry, i know if i were to go after one of them they would melt in my hands and i would def melt in their mouth ;) ...also i have a real problem sometimes with women having sex with a lot of men.. it just pisses me off and i cant find out why.. i think its because i crave the attenton from every single person in the world.. i want everyone to recognize how great i am at everything, i want people to know that i am dominant and i rule. anyways..this is long and im horny as anything. i just did a full bodyworkout ( im a bodybuilder too.. 6 ft 2.. 225 ripped) and my testosterone levels are through the roof.. its time for some self loven.

hope someone responds thanx if you do,

J San Diego Ca

Post 12

Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 2:53pmSanction this postReply
This just in from the T.M.I. Department...

Kidding aside, I do hope you realize that as an aspiring Objectivist you are aware that reason is absolute. In your case, that means by thinking completely through on your thoughts on sexual love, you can work through your fustration on many issues. You may even find it helpful to discuss some of these things with a trusted friend.

It isn't easy to feel that there is a world of possibility (sexually and otherwise) that you are missing out on because you don't know what it takes to be the kind of confident man that you want to be known as. It took me a while to figure out that love and sex significantly enhances my own personal happiness, but they are not the fundamental cause of my happiness.

Love is an emotion that is felt for someone who is extremely valueable to oneself. But what does this value come from? Can anyone be of value. Is there something specific that it comes from. If so what is it? How can I use it in my life. I've had to ask myself many of this questions many times when I was discovering how to love and be loved.

I found my mistake was in placing to much of my self-worth on whether or not girls were responsive. I became very needy in my relationships and I pushed many girls away because of it.

It was only when I found my self-worth in being a productive achieving (by excelling at something I love doing, which is writing music), did my search for love begin to turn around. I can now say with full confidence, I am no longer worried about my love or my sex life. I am happy. You have a great many questions ahead of you, and it is not by any means easy. From reading your post I gather that you are just starting to discover who you really are. It takes time and patience, but it is worth the effort.

Best of luck


Post 13

Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 6:12pmSanction this postReply
Pardon me if I thought that was a bit too much personal information . . .

I am a HS objectivist that lives in an area that is, quite literally, a cross between the town in To Kill a Mockingbird and a bad Jeff Foxworthy skit. So the selection of guys is limited to the variations of Baptist rednecks. Eventually, you figure out that the opposite sex is limited, so you just remove it from your life and from your happiness--nature allows no vacuum, so remove the source.

Post 14

Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 8:13pmSanction this postReply
What's an 'HS objectivist'?

Post 15

Friday, August 15, 2003 - 2:22amSanction this postReply
Hot n' Slutty?

Post 16

Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:27pmSanction this postReply
Resident of Atlantis: "I am a HS objectivist that lives in an area that is, quite literally, a cross between the town in To Kill a Mockingbird and a bad Jeff Foxworthy skit. So the selection of guys is limited to the variations of Baptist rednecks. Eventually, you figure out that the opposite sex is limited, so you just remove it from your life and from your happiness--nature allows no vacuum, so remove the source. "

You don't happen to live in Southern Illinois, do you. This sounds exactly like where I live.


Post 17

Monday, August 18, 2003 - 12:28pmSanction this postReply
Resident of Atlantis: "I am a HS objectivist that lives in an area that is, quite literally, a cross between the town in To Kill a Mockingbird and a bad Jeff Foxworthy skit. So the selection of guys is limited to the variations of Baptist rednecks. Eventually, you figure out that the opposite sex is limited, so you just remove it from your life and from your happiness--nature allows no vacuum, so remove the source. "

You don't happen to live in Southern Illinois, do you? This sounds exactly like where I live.


Post 18

Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 10:58amSanction this postReply
No, that's not where I live. As to "HS," I thought it was pretty obvious--"High School."

"Hi.. im an 18 year old male, ive never had sex, ive never even kissed a girl or a man for that matter, i became an objectivist around 16/17 years old, but im still learning about it.. im not exactly 100% philosophically planted cause i dont even understand the whole entire philosophy yet... but im getting older and my testosterone levels are through the roof.. i jerk off..well lets say a lot.. i want some real action!! this is really frusturating.. i dont know if it is morally right to have sex with someone just to get off or do you have to be in love. when i say love i mean deeply in love.. talking about marriage and such. All i know is there are a million girls after me.. some of them so hot looking i want to cry, i know if i were to go after one of them they would melt in my hands and i would def melt in their mouth ;) ...also i have a real problem sometimes with women having sex with a lot of men.. it just pisses me off and i cant find out why.. i think its because i crave the attenton from every single person in the world.. i want everyone to recognize how great i am at everything, i want people to know that i am dominant and i rule. anyways..this is long and im horny as anything. i just did a full bodyworkout ( im a bodybuilder too.. 6 ft 2.. 225 ripped) and my testosterone levels are through the roof.. its time for some self loven.

hope someone responds thanx if you do,

J San Diego Ca"

I actually did some more thinking on this . . . if you find yourself torn between your mind and your body, you're holding the mystic's favorite--the mind-body dichotomy. And on this, the only thing you can do is resolve that your mind and your body are not antagonists and resolve the contradiction by finding out which side is wrong. As to the dichotomy itself, it is not either-or because it is taken on a stolen premise and is meant to force man to contradict himself. This kills one's confidence in oneself and allows for some unearned guilt . . . which gives the mystics the garrote.

Post 19

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - 12:04pmSanction this postReply
Resident of Atlantis-
No, that's not where I live.

Can I take another guess or have I lost this round? :)


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