| | Charles Krauthammer's brilliance shines through in this relentless, piercing analysis of the demonstrations in Tehran, the role of Iran in the Middle East, and a pivotal balance point in history. And it tells us about the history-changing power a leader can wield in such an instance... the history-changing power of pronouncing a clear, moral identification of the facts. Sadly, history doesn't wait, and this president is not such a leader and the costs of not saying these truths will be measured in spilled blood. ---------------
Dr. Krauthammer is an interesting man. Wikipedia provided some biographical information:
A Canadian citizen by birth, an honors student in politics at Oxford, he moved to the States to attend Harvard Medical School. During his first year at Med school, he suffered a diving accident that left him paralyzed for life. He graduated with his class, earning an M.D. went on to become a board certified psychiatrist and rose to the position of Chief Resident in Psychiatry at Massachuetts General Hospital.
Now he is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, a conservative who backed the Iraq war as being a strategically necessitated, "preemptive" war, while critizing some of Bush's foriegn policy as too expansionist and utopian. He argued against interventionist policies that put us into "teacup wars" in failed states, and advocated we adopt a "dry powder" foreign policy of nonintervention and readiness. He supports Israel, is not religious, referred to intelligent design as "tarted up Creationism", supports women's right to an abortion, opposes the death penalty, wants a ban on torture but with two exceptions: when the individual has been proven to be a high-level terrorist deeply involved in the planning of future attacks, and when proof exists that a captured terrorist has knowledge of of a ticking bomb scenario. He is a neocon whose focus is on foriegn policy and has not shown much interest in economic issues.
(Edited by Steve Wolfer on 6/19, 9:15am)