
Rebirth of Reason

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Friday, August 21, 2009 - 6:27pmSanction this postReply
I like some of what he put in this column, but not his cheap shot at Sarah Palin where he said, "Let's see if we can have a reasoned discussion about end-of-life counseling. We might start by asking Sarah Palin to leave the room. I've got nothing against her. She's a remarkable political talent. But there are no "death panels" in the Democratic health care bills, and to say that there are is to debase the debate."

Now, look at his ending paragraph, which comes after discussing the end of life counseling: "It's not an outrage. It's surely not a death panel. But it is subtle pressure applied by society through your doctor. And when you include it in a health care reform whose major objective is to bend the cost curve downward, you have to be a fool or a knave to deny that it's intended to gently point you in a certain direction, toward the corner of the sick room where stands a ghostly figure, scythe in hand, offering release."

But it is NOT being applied by "society," it is applied by government. And then he admits that it sends us in the direction of bringing more death to the sick room.

And Krauthammer misses the point in another way. Remember that Palin was talking about people's lives being valued differently - that her Down's syndrome child wouldn't be valued as highly as another child.

If Congress enacts universal health care coverage, there will be no way to avoid rationed care. Rationing will result in deaths. Those who die will be decided by rules created by a government panel - take a look at Obama's health care czar, Rohm Emanual's brother, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel - he is known for his "Complete Lives System" where lives are weighted in value by age, disability, etc. And Obama himself has talked about 80% of costs being from old people and this was in the context of bending the cost curve of health down.

Sarah Palin was right on this issue - and extraordinary effective. She did more to damage the far left's orgasmic revelry of socialized medicine - with one short sentence on her face book page - than almost anything anyone else has done. She spoke and the senate dropped the death counseling section from their proposed bill.

I'm disappointed that Krauthammer felt it necessary to encumber his opposition to ObamaCare with an inaccurate dig at Palin.

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Post 1

Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 9:56amSanction this postReply
I agree, Steve.  I'm also disappointed that Krauthammer isn't talking about the fact that Obama would sign any bill that explicitly offered death panels, forced abortion, forced euthanasia, and other fascist styled removal of "undesirables."

He's clearly missing what Sarah already figured out: Death panels would be the natural outcome of such a law.

Obama would sign anything he perceived as forwarding his own agenda.  Note, that our president hasn't promised to veto a bill containing anything, even during his pathetic defense of the current proposed legislation.  His constant blathering about "not pulling the plug on grandma" is in stark contradiction to what's actually being proposed, and what he himself would sign into law with zero hesitation: Pulling the plug on grandma, and Trig.

Post 2

Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 10:21amSanction this postReply
Good point, Teresa. The most important issue IS the intention of Obama and the far left.

During his campaign he promised to veto any bill with earmarks and has at this point signed into law more earmarks per bill than any President before him. So, even if he promised to veto "death panels," which as you have pointed out, he hasn't, I still wouldn't believe him.

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Post 3

Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 12:06pmSanction this postReply
Yes, Krauthammer is just scoring points for pretending objectivity, and it is shameful.

Answer me this. Is what Obama is doing properly described as "reforming" health care? Of course not. That's just a typical leftist attempt at framing the debate. Does Krauthammer bother to point this out? (Does anyone bother to point this out? They even call it healthcare reform on Fox News.) So, my question for Krauthammer is, which is more dishonest? Palin using the term death panel, or Obama using the term reform?

Post 4

Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 12:22pmSanction this postReply
Ted, I sanctioned your post. My only quibble would be that Palin wasn't being dishonest where Krauthammer (in this instance), the left, most of congress, the AMA, AARP and Obama have been.

Post 5

Sunday, August 23, 2009 - 1:32pmSanction this postReply
Yeah, I thought about making it explicit in that post that I don't think Palin was at all dishonest in her rhetoric. (Indeed, I signed up as a supporter of hers on facebook when she published that essay.) But I figured I would leave it as an exercise for the reader.

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