
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 10:03amSanction this postReply
Being Dennis Prager, this is written from a conservative, rather than Libertarian or Objectivist perspective, but it is well written - and there is a truth of huge proportions in this column.

It is nearly impossible to grasp how much of a distortion has been put in place by the left after 4 or 5 generations of control of the media, the arts, and the educational systems.

Post 1

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 1:00pmSanction this postReply
I agreed with most of what Prager said about the left, but his defense of the right? Not so much. Take this statement:

"The left is far more interested in power than the right is. This, too, should have been self-evident, but finally, people are realizing that those who are preoccupied with creating an ever-expanding state are obviously far more interested in amassing power than those who want a smaller state."

The right -- or at least elected Republican politicians -- are not interested in a smaller state. For the last century, the federal government has expanded in EVERY presidential administration. When Republicans had one-party control of the White House and Congress, did the federal government shrink? No, we got a brand new health care entitlement program, a vast increase in bureaucracy, payroll, and regulation, and a shredding of the Bill of Rights.

The only part of the above statement that is true is that the left has an even bigger appetite for government than the right, but voting for right-wingers will only get us to the same destination at a somewhat slower pace.

Until enough people have the epiphany that the two major parties, and the left and the right, all support vastly expanded government (or until the events in Atlas Shrugged happen and force that epiphany upon the survivors), we will keep getting more of the same.

We will keep getting screwed until more people adopt libertarian or Objectivist POVs.

Post 2

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 2:30pmSanction this postReply

I agree. Both parties are corrupt and both parties are power mongers. The left is by far the worst, but they are both poison. I like Beck's approach - he calls them both Progressives. Left versus right and democrat versus republican no longer means enough.

It is big government versus small, constitutionally limited government that is the only worthwhile way to frame the argument. Most of the people in the heartland that call themselves republicans or conservatives would feel very uncomfortable with most of the positions taken by the NeoCons, and don't understand why their own party is just marching along going, "Me too, but not so much."

I think the key words in the mid-term elections will be "fiscally conservative," "free market," and "small government" - and it won't matter if the candidate is Libertarian, conservative, republican, or independent - unless there is something wrong with the candidate, they will ride into office on the coattails of the popular anger.

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