| | Perhaps that is why she chose a psuedonym. So she could express her thoughts with out getting trashed. Suppose a child wants to eat all the cookies. The child will consider you a tryant until the child understands the concept of foresight. Or a better analogy might be the Judge asking the decadent why he stole a loaf of bread. Well the decadent states he is hungry. Why is he hungry? Because of his decadence. Hmmmm scaled up or scaled down the story is still the same circular arguement. And now the decadent is being tryannical in his own judgement of his situation and places the blame on some one else. Ayn Rand has performed a service to humanity by exposing one to ones own ego and maybe finding out how scary you really may be. In her service she has created a legacy of immortality of sorts. Her motives are hers and hers alone. Agree or disagree then maybe agree later, she is stimulating.