
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 12:30pmSanction this postReply
If you have a Netflix membership, you can watch Objectivist philosopher Stephen Hicks' movie Nietzsche and the Nazis as a streaming video. (Click on the "source" below the quote above.) A non-Objectivist friend of mine studying Nietzsche brought this to my attention, unaware that Hicks is an Objectivist.

I think Hicks downplays historical factors in the rise of the Nazis too much, and overplays philosophical ones. (For example, he makes the facile observation that other countries had suffered catastrophic defeats in wars but had not turned to Nazism. Yet it was the terms imposed at Versailles rather than the actual effects of the war itself which were intolerable to a Germany which had signed an armistice, not a surrender.) Nietzsche was neither a German nationalist nor an anti-Semite. Hicks' use of Nietzsche as a comparandum is somewhat of a gimmick, since he could just as easily have compared the Nazis to, say, the Marxists, or to the Lutheran or the Catholic Churches and made the same point, that bad philosophy has bad effects.

Nevertheless this is an interesting film and good to see that it is featured at Netflix. And, for fun, note the fluorescent green beaker in the "science" segment and see how many books you can recognize on the bookshelf behind him for much of the film.

(Edited by Ted Keer on 3/16, 6:27pm)

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Post 1

Saturday, March 20, 2010 - 1:07pmSanction this postReply
I very much enjoyed the film and Hick's perspective. I didn't find his use of Nietzsche to be at all a gimmick. Hick's application of Nietzsche's philosophy was in my opinion stunningly appropriate, but he could have gone farther in making the connection clear to his audience. Thank you for the recommendation!

Post 2

Saturday, March 20, 2010 - 1:31pmSanction this postReply
Gimmick is too strong a word. Pretext also has a bad connotation. What he did, to compare the good and bad parts of two philosophies for a lay audience, worked well. But the choice of Nietzsche, as opposed to, say, Kant or Plato or Marx or Luther or so forth was somewhat arbitrary. That's all I meant by gimmick, that he could have done the same equally well with another choice.

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Post 3

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 1:08amSanction this postReply
I've just finished my second viewing of this piece. I don't consider it a comparison of two philosophies. Hicks seems more focused on revealing how the strength and ruthless nature of Nietzsche's philosophy manifested within the Nazi regime. If he hoped to share that bad philosophy produces bad results his point was lost on me. Throughout he did show that strong philosophy creates a formidable opponent. One thing that was particularly interesting to me was his closing. He listed in a column on the left principles by which the Nazis functioned, then on the right corresponding anti-Nazi principles. He then states that the opposites in the right hand column "Are the best antidote to Nazism we have going." I couldn't help but wonder whose side Hicks is on. These principles are those tasty little lambs that national socialist birds of prey enjoy so much. Having spent an unimaginable amount of time exploring the wickedly ingenious and ruthless nature and history of this philosophy, for him to make such a naive declaration was shocking to me. It was as if he had woken me only to lull me to sleep again.

Post 4

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 8:11amSanction this postReply
Are you saying, Scott, that you think that the principles Hicks identified as antithetical to those of Nazism, such as egoism, reason, and capitalism, are the sort of things Hitler took advantage of? Reading a review of the movie at Netflix last night I was surprised to see that someone criticized Hicks for advocating a traditional Christian ethic.

Post 5

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 12:05pmSanction this postReply
Hahaha "in support of the Christian moral system" In reading their review it would appear that we take issue with the same scenario, but this viewer is apparently objecting on the grounds that the 'right column' values are based on Christian morals. I never would have made that association. What I believe that this person and I agree on is that Hicks suggests preparing a defense against National socialism that is weak and foolish in the light of the material just reviewed. The point I meant to make was that this 'right' set of principles in practice promotes conditions that make Nietzsche and the Nazi's philosophies very tempting, alluring. For instance this review you mentioned is written by a person living the benefits of these values, but is disgusted to hear them championed, would rather Nietzsche's 'higher' ideals. How many of these were common values in the time leading up to the rise of the Nazis in Germany? I'm out of time. I look forward to more of this discussion.

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