
Rebirth of Reason

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Sunday, April 4, 2010 - 3:10pmSanction this postReply
Hey moonbats of Massachusetts - why won’t you pay more taxes?

You’re always lecturing the rest of us how taxes are an investment in the future, the price we pay for civilization, etc., etc. But when given the option of personally paying your fair share, hey, come back here, you pony-tailed trust-fund recipient you.

Put your hands up and step away from the Prius - slowly. What about the children?

As the deadline for filing 2009 state income taxes nears, once again the Beautiful People of Massachusetts are proving that while they enjoy talking the talk, walking the walk is another thing altogether.

We have a two-tier income tax in this state, you know. You have the option of paying either at the standard rate of 5.3 percent, or at the old, higher 5.85 percent rate.

As of Wednesday, here are this years numbers, according to the state DOR:

Of 1,840,000 state tax filers, exactly 931 have opted to pay taxes at the higher rate. That works out to one-twentieth of one percent. Think of it this way: In 2000, only 60 percent of the Massachusetts electorate voted to cut the income tax, but a decade later 99.95 percent of the population has decided to take advantage of the tax cut a lot of them claimed they didn’t want or need.

continue reading Howie Carr

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010 - 6:15pmSanction this postReply
The Massholes, like liberals everywhere, are against general tax cuts because it will deprive their precious government(s) of the ability to spend other people's money. They are almost invariably in favor of specific tax cuts tailored to a special interest that includes them, and almost no one else.

Their fear that if paying for government services was voluntary, based on either charity or fees for services personally received, there'd be an abrupt cessation of most government programs -- well, that's projection, because they know they wouldn't kick in a dime if not coerced to do so. They know that, their public statements notwithstanding, that they are miserly, uncharitable folks -- and they assume everyone else is like that too.

Hence compulsory, involuntary taxation.

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