| | Ayn Rand's attorney, Henry Mark Holzer, delivered a history lesson on the monetary system to The Gold Commission. Congressman Ron Paul helped set up this commission under the Reagan Administration. But it ended up staffed with too many enemies of the gold standard (Senator Dodd for example was on the commission). Holzer's history lessson was ignored. Ron Paul's vote fell in the minority and he wrote the minority report. Dodd, et. al., having won the day, went on to do what only could be done in the absence of a gold standard and here we are today with 124 Trillion dollars of debt and unfunded liabilities. Good guys and bad guys... that was nearly 30 years ago.
Atlanta Journal
This short talk is even more on target today then it was back then and it is an excellent read.
Holzer is a constitutional lawyer, professor of law, and the author of two books on legal aspects of our monetary system (The Gold Clause and Government's Money Monopoly).