
Rebirth of Reason

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Friday, August 20, 2010 - 3:07pmSanction this postReply
Just one of many fascinating, horrifying details about the lives of people in North Korea, showing what evils pure collectivism and socialism leads to. Almost every page documents another eye-opening revelation.

If a liberal friend of yours can read the entire book and still remain a liberal, they are immune to logic or facts, or else a pro at rationalizing and doublethink.

Post 1

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 12:10pmSanction this postReply
Intrigued, I bought a copy of this book at the bookstore.

Searching for the quote first (I do that sometimes), I started reading the chapter -- Two Beer Bottles for your I.V. -- in which it is found.

It is located 4 pages into the chapter, but -- on my first attempt -- I couldn't make it to the quote.

The hold-up occurred in the middle of page 106, which reads as follows:

As part of a three-doctor team, she would visit schools and apartment compounds. Each block of homes had its own hygiene unit, which worked together with the inminban.

"The doctors are here! The doctors are here!," the shouts would echo across the courtyards. People would start queuing up by the hygiene office, pushing crying toddlers forward in the line, ready to show off a sore hand or a rash they had been nursing for weeks in anticipation of the doctors' visit.
I don't know what came over me, but on the moment of my reading this, my eyes welled up with tears and I got a lump in my throat and I immediately closed the book and turned it over and pushed it far away from me. I do realize that human suffering occurs on scales much larger than this (e.g., genocide in Rwanda), but its the institutionalization of unnecessary human suffering which has really got me feeling down.

It's heart-breaking.


p.s. I will pick up the book again. It is important as a tool to use in order to fight collectivism and the unneccessary human suffereing it entails.

Post 2

Monday, August 23, 2010 - 3:00pmSanction this postReply
If a liberal friend of yours can read the entire book and still remain a liberal, they are immune to logic or facts, or else a pro at rationalizing and doublethink.
The modern day liberal dismissal of this book would go something like this:

"Yes, North Korea is a horrifying dictatorship, as was the Soviet Union, but that was because they were absolutist in their approach to Socialism. Markets are still needed to generate innovation and wealth, but the state must regulate the markets and the wealth needs to be redistributed. Look at Europe, everyone gets free health care and it's nothing like North Korea there..."

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