
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 3:44pmSanction this postReply
"Folks don't actually run, but administer, our government. If folks ran our government, then they'd be "in charge" -- like you say -- and we'd be governed by men, not by laws."

Ed, that's nicely put. We can see where the progressives are attempting to bypass the rule of law - enacting clearly unconsitutional bills, and in the abuse of executive powers.

The Minarchist hopes that with sufficient education and awareness enough people will advocate for and vote for proper laws. That over time, the tweaking of the laws will result in the proper government, and that by making corrections now and then to those laws, a proper government will be administered and maintained. It only requires the optimism that with a passage of time there can be an increase in wisdom.

Anarchists don't really understand rule by law - they are social metaphysicians to the degree that they feel things are at the mercy of the desires of others, and they are to a degree closet mystics because of a belief in a magical invisible hand that can work without a free market.

The anarchist hopes that people will not intitiate force when presented with an absence of enforced laws against initiated force. They might say that their hope is that a market system will evolve out the absence of government and that system will encourage or enforce justice without a monopoly on law that is government enforced. Their contradictions are two: First, that a free market can exist to field the mediatiors, defense agencies, etc., that will somehow bring about the protection of individual rights. They want free market competition to bring these things, but ignore that there is no free market to support that evolution since anyone can use force. Second, they constantly argue that if you have a government that those in the government will use it to initiate force. But when it comes to anarchy suddenly there are no such people, or they exist but the system somehow convinces them it is not in their interest to use violence, or the system is so effective that they can't use violence. Yet this magical system won't exist unless the people are all so mature, so logical, so without any possibility of conflict that none of them will choose to use force.

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