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In the last decade, the average income of the bottom 90% of all working Americans actually declined. The top 1% saw their income rise by an average of more than a quarter of a million dollars each. And that's who needs to pay less taxes? What Obama doesn't tell you is that it was the statist policies of GW Bush, further propogated by Obama himself, which led to most Americans losing income in the first place. Obama chides Bush for the unfunded mandates of war and the statist increase in Medicare drug policy. Bush increased federal spending by 60%, spending on things that don't have any kind of general return-on-investment for most of us.
Presidents shouldn't ever be allowed to spend money which doesn't automatically benefit every citizen in this country (the General Welfare of this country). They should not ever be allowed to pick and choose what they want to spend money on -- benefitting one group of citizens, no matter how large, over any other (or all other) groups of citizens.
The only kinds of spending that benefit every last one of us (leaving no one out) are things like national defense against immediate threats, the cops, and the courts.