
Rebirth of Reason


Links to non-SOLO websites relevent to legal topics. Note that the inclusion of any link on this page does not necessarily imply agreement on SOLO Law's part with any political, ethical or other stance taken by contributors to the linked website.

Suggestions for addition welcomed - please SOLOMail or e-mail the club co-ordinator with the weblink and a brief explanation of why you think the website or article should be included here. The co-ordinator reserves the right to reject suggestions he deems inappropriate.

(Law-related articles published on SOLOHQ appear under Articles)

The Volokh Conspiracy - Eugene Volokh's highly regarded law blog

Randy Barnett - Libertarian legal scholar who teaches at Boston University Law School

The Association For Objective Law - ARI-aligned organisation, website doesn't seem to have been updated for some time

Henry Mark Holzer - The homepage of Ayn Rand's lawyer. Mr Holzer still consults on constitutional law cases and comments on current affairs

Draft Constitution of New Freeland - The New Zealand Libertarianz Party's proposed constitution

The Institute For Justice - Non-profit(!) libertarian law firm in the US

CNN Law Center - Dedicated legal news section on the website of CNN

On The Record with Greta van Susteren - Popular Fox News Channel show which often deals with legal issues