
Rebirth of Reason


This page is dedicated to articles on love and romance by fellow SOLOists. 

Send recommendations via Solomail to Katdaddy.  It would be nice to also expand into songs and poetry as well.  Purr away people.

RoR Articles

The Virtue of Silliness by Kat and MSK

The Tonic of Love by David Bertelsen
The Power of Love (A Sequel) by David Bertelsen

Like a Lamb to the Slaughter by Michael Stuart Kelly

Wedding Vows by Duncan Bayne

The Importance of Details by Tibor Machan

Sergio Manuel Sanchez Covarrubias Kilbourne by James Kilbourne

Marriage Needs No Defense by Matthew Graybosch
True Love is Expressed by Matthew Graybosch

External Links:

Valuing Love by Nathaniel Branden

What is the Objectivist View of Romantic Love and Sex by Andrew Bissell (TOC Link)

The Individuality of Sexuality by Charles Anderson

Toward a Lasting Romantic Relationship by Edith Packer

Nathaniel Branden on Romantic Love:

If You Could Hear What I Cannot Say
Learning to Communicate with the Ones You Love
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The Psychology of Romantic Love*
What Love Is, Why Love Is Born, Why It Sometimes Grows, Why It Sometimes Dies
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The Romantic Love Question and Answer Book*
Solutions to the Challenge of Making Love Work with Devers Branden
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What Love Asks of Us
Solutions to the Challenge of Making Love Work with Devers Branden
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Love and Sex in the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (MP3)
A one-hour lecture suggesting that the listener think twice about some of Rand's romantic and sexual premises.
Romantic Love and Sexuality
In love and want to stay that way? Establishing a new romantic relationship? What is romantic love, anyhow, and why is it so difficult to achieve and sustain? Dr. Branden helps provide answers to these questions.
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Self-Responsibility in Romantic Love (MP3)
When we say to someone “I love you”, in the context of romantic love, what are we signing on for? What is our partner entitled to expect? What does it mean to “Love Responsibly?”
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The Challenges of Romantic Love
A tape that explores what romantic love requires of us if it is to be achieved and sustained over time.
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Reflections on Happiness discusses Dr. Branden's thoughts on how to go beyond merely desiring happiness — and begin making it one's conscious purpose (from Taking Responsibility).
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Valuing Love explores what love is and what it is not.
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