
Rebirth of Reason

From the Founder and Principal:

If You Miss SOLOC 4 You're A Boor And A Bore!
Posted by Lindsay Perigo on 2/26, 8:33pm
At last, the opportunity to put faces to NEMs. And to discover first-hand the answers to questions you've always wanted to ask but were too afraid to. Does Barbara Branden really wear a tiara? Does James Kilbourne wear a bigger one? Is Lindsay Perigo really a werewolf? Does Joe Rowlands really eat vegetarians for breakfast? [Yes!] Does Adam Reed ever stop talking? [No!] Why does Leonard Peikoff sigh when Phil Coates asks a question? Is Alec Mouhibian really that beautiful? Can Jennifer Iannolo really cook? Is Tim Visser really Objectivism's greatest pianist (look out, Adam Buker!)?

Your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness these and many other cosmically important questions answered at SOLOC 4!

There'll be some formal presentations but the emphasis will be on informality and ... er ... improvisation (with SOLO-UK contributing significantly to the latter).

To begin proceedings as we mean for them to go on, Linz will deliver one of his KASS talks. At TOC-Vancouver, attendees of that KASS talk said such things as:

"Very inspiring. It gave me courage to grow up, with less fear of becoming bitter & disillusioned like many adults I've met."

"A passionate delivery of an important topic. I don't think anyone else could have given this talk."

"Great speech. One of the most inspiring that I've heard in a long time. Thank you from the bottom of my mind."

Come to SOLOC 4 & see if they were right, or delusional!

Over the following five days you'll have the opportunity to listen to & engage with: Barbara Branden, John Hospers, Joe Rowlands, Tibor Machan, Adam Reed, Regina Iannolo, Luther Setzer, James Kilbourne, Jeff Landauer and many other familiar SOLO NEM-names.

If you're in any doubt that SOLOCs are a blast, go here & read testimonials from previous SOLOCs. Then click on SOLOC 4 for details of the upcoming one.

Looking forward to seeing you!


PS - I've just seen the abstracts for Adam's & Phil's talks—they promise to be truly memorable!

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