The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up

Rebirth of Reason

The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth to be broken upThe Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up
JMW Turner

An extraordinary JMW Turner exhibition is currently on display at Dallas Museum of Art. The show's next (and last) stop in US will be the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This is probably the most popular special exhibition that I've ever seen in the Dallas area. It is quite overwhelming to have so many Turners all at once.

The piece presented here was named the greatest painting in Britain in a public vote in 2005.  While it is always questionable to name any single art piece as "the greatest", some of the readers comments are quite heart warming:

"It's good to see a decent selection of art in the poll rather than something a monkey in a blindfold could paint!"
"I am no art critic but this seems a good winner; better than seeing some abstract durge that a snail could have wiped across a canvas."
"Well done to the British public for recognising true artistic talent (with one or two exceptions well down the list) and rejecting most of the pretentious rubbish that passes for art these days."

(Added by Hong Zhang on 4/19, 8:13pm)

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