My thesis is that 4 things are needed for small government (i.e., for actualizing the potential of civilized humans):
O = Objectivity, such as refraining from engaging in a selective enforcement of the law. See activities of our current attorney general for counter-examples.
A = Accountability, such as refraining from engaging in secret domestic spying.
T = Transparency, such as refraining from engaging in centrally-funded propaganda or centrally-funding intimidation leading to de facto censorship. See the infiltration of white house officials or advisors (or the spouses of officials or advisors) into the news media, or the actions of the IRS, for counter-examples.
S = Security, the only moral role of a government, which is only fully achieved through first following the 3 steps above.
Note: Notice how it is that the primary virtue of the administration of monarchy is restraint (e.g., "refraining from ...").