I was listening to the radio yesterday. I listened to Glenn Beck (conservative) and Ron Reagan (liberal).
A caller on the Glenn Beck show complained that Glenn Beck hadn't really identified the Devil -- that's right, Satan -- as the cause of the behavior of liberal fascists. A caller on the Ron Reagan show said he had the final answer to our 2008 recession -- arbitrarily set home loan interest rates to 3%, and everything else will fall into place and we'll pull right out of the recession.
The Glenn Beck caller was a mystic who doesn't understand how he's removing morality from it's proper place for mankind (by making liberal fascists merely victims who merely need exorcisms).
The Ron Reagan caller was a subjectivist who doesn't understand that he doesn't have it in his metaphysical power to dictate outcomes of a process like a market economy, simply by implementing his "gut feeling" solution.
Both of them replace "it is" with "I wish." Both of them work to destroy the attainment of objective value on this planet. Both of them suck.