LOL exchange on Reason.com about Obama
John|12.8.09 @ 9:50PM|# I don't know if he is malevolent or incompetant. But, honestly does it make any difference? reply to this juris imprudent|12.8.09 @ 10:04PM|# Yes, because malevolent means he will at some point achieve his ends and stop. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Jim Henshaw on 12/08, 10:47pm)
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Funny blog lampooning Objectivists: Atlas Shrugged 2: Shrug Harder
A funny if disquieting peek into how others view Objectivists. Not sure if this is entirely tongue-in-cheek. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Jim Henshaw on 7/09, 12:59pm)
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